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DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data


Just a nameless weakling

This plugin's available for commercial use

Stores the database changes done by users during game executions
Can't be used with data read from the database files upon use
Can't be used with any map data

In the default RMMV setting, you can edit the loaded parts of the database but you can't save those changes, as the database's always loaded from the raw json files upon game start.
With this plugin, all the loaded parts of the database will be saved in savefiles and loaded from those savefiles upon loading those savefiles.

 * @param dynamicDataActors

 * @desc Saves the actors part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataActors is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataClasses

 * @desc Saves the classes part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataClasses is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataSkills

 * @desc Saves the skills part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataSkills is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataItems

 * @desc Saves the items part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataItems is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataWeapons

 * @desc Saves the weapons part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataWeapons is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataArmors

 * @desc Saves the armors part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataArmors is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataEnemies

 * @desc Saves the enemies part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataEnemies is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataTroops

 * @desc Saves the troops part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataTroops is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataStates

 * @desc Saves the states part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataStates is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataAnimations

 * @desc Saves the animations part of the database changes in savefiles if and

 *       only if dynamicDataAnimations is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataTilesets

 * @desc Saves the tilesets part of the database changes in savefiles if and

 *       only if dynamicDataTilesets is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataCommonEvents

 * @desc Saves the common events part of the database changes in savefiles if

 *       and only if dynamicDataCommonEvents is set as true

 * @default false


 * @param dynamicDataSystem

 * @desc Saves the system part of the database changes in savefiles if and only

 *       if dynamicDataSystem is set as true

 * @default false

Games using this plugin
None so far

1. Thorough comprehensions to the other custom plugins to edit their data loaded and cached during game executions

Terms Of Use
You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
None of the above applies to DoubleX or his/her aliases

 *      v1.01d(GMT 1400 27-1-2016):                                           

 *      1. Fixed undefined DD and DoubleX_RMMV.Dynamic_Data in defining latter

 *      2. Fixed caching original data before they're completed loaded bug    

 *      v1.01c(GMT 0100 26-12-2015):                                          

 *      1. Fixed corupting the database upon reloading it on the title screen

 *      2. Fixed some syntax errors due to typos                             

 *      v1.01b(GMT 0900 25-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. Fixed missing param dynamic_data_states in the plugin manager bug  

 *      2. Fixed accessing private variables inside $gameSystem bug           

 *      3. The aliased function names becomes more unique to this plugin     

 *      v1.01a(GMT 1200 16-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. Lets users set which part of the database changes will be saved    

 *      2. The aliased functions can be accessed by other custom plugins now 

 *      v1.00b(GMT 0800 11-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. Added descriptions that will be shown in the plugin manager        

 *      v1.00a(GMT 0100 31-10-2015):                                          

 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished                              

Download Link
DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data


Just a nameless weakling

 *      v1.01d(GMT 1400 27-1-2016):                                           

 *      1. Fixed undefined DD and DoubleX_RMMV.Dynamic_Data in defining latter

 *      2. Fixed caching original data before they're completed loaded bug    

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