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DoubleX RMMV Action Input Timer


Just a nameless weakling

Lets you sets a timer that will cause all actors not inputted actions yet to have their turns skipped in turn based battles


Games using this plugin
None so far


* @param timerLimit

* @type number

* @desc Sets the number of seconds the players are allowed to input

* all actions of all inputable actors

* @default 20


* @param timerWinX

* @type number

* @desc Sets the x position of the action input timer window

* The smaller the number the more left the window is

* @default 0


* @param timerWinY

* @type number

* @desc Sets the y position of the action input timer window

* The smaller the number the more upper the window is

* @default 0


* @param timerWinW

* @type number

* @desc Sets the width of the action input timer window

* You've to test this yourselves to find a suitable value

* @default 240


* @param timerWinDesc

* @type string

* @desc Sets the action input timer window description text

* %1 is the number of seconds remaining of the input timer

* @default %1s input time


Script Calls

*    # Battle manipulations

*      1. BattleManager.setActionInputTimer(timerLimit)

*         - Sets the current action input timer in battle as timerLimit

*           seconds

*         - The script call has no meaning outside battles

*         - The script call's supposed to be Idempotent

*    # Parameter manipulations

*      1. $gameSystem.actionInputTimerParam(param)

*         - Returns the value of specified parameter stored in game save

*           files

*         - param can be either of the following:

*           timerLimit

*           timerWinX

*           timerWinY

*           timerWinW

*           timerWinDesc

*         - The script call's supposed to be Nullipotent

*      2. $gameSystem.setActionInputTimerParam(param, val)

*         - Sets the value of the specified parameter stored in game save

*           files as val

*         - param can be either of the following:

*           timerLimit

*           timerWinX

*           timerWinY

*           timerWinW

*           timerWinDesc

*         - For any parameter other than timerWinDesc, the script call will

*           be ignored if val isn't a Number

*         - The script call's supposed to be Idempotent

*         - The new value of the specified parameter will be stored in game

*           save files


Plugin Commands

*      1. setActionInputTimer timerLimit

*         - Applies the script call

*           BattleManager.setActionInputTimer(timerLimit)

*      2. setActionInputTimerParam param val

*         - Applies the script call

*           $gameSystem.setActionInputTimerParam(param, val)



*      Abilities:

*      1. Nothing special for most ordinary cases

*         (No capability on Javascript ES5 experience but can still make

*         reasonable guesses on readable novice codes up to 100 LoC scale)

*      2. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this

*         plugin in intended ways

*         (Elementary Javascript ES5 exposures being able to write beginner

*         codes up to 300LoC scale )


Terms Of Use

*      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.

*      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.

*      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than

*         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from

*         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.

*      4. If you repost this plugin directly(rather than just linking back),

*         you shall inform me of these direct repostings. I always reserve

*         the right to request you to edit those direct repostings.

*      5. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies

*         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.

*      6. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin

*         anymore if you've violated any of the above.



*      1. The default plugin parameters file name is

*         doublex rmmv action input timer v100a

*         If you want to change that, you must edit the value of

*         DoubleX_RMMV.Action_Input_Timer_File, which must be done via

*         opening this plugin js file directly


*      Authors:

*      1. DoubleX

*      Plugin Development Collaborators:

*      - None So Far

*      Bug Reporters:

*      - None So Far

*      Compatibility Issue Raisers:

*      - None So Far

*      Feature Requesters:

*      - None So Far



*      v1.00a(GMT 0500 6-Sep-2020):

*      1. 1st version of this plugin finished


Download Link

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