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Dominance Capacity



I was looking at someone else's request, but mine is only slightly different :P If you couldn't guess by all my other requests, it is a Shadow Hearts: Covenant script request.

What I want is:
-1) Each person has a dominance capacity that varies by character (i.e., Character A may have 3000 and Character B may only have 2...obviously extremes...)
-2) Equipped Accessories give different skills (Based on Item ID)
-3) The only skills that are usable are the ones that are equipped
-4) A new menu option is just below the "Items" ("Crest Magick")
-5) The new menu option opens a scene similar to the equipment screen, but the left equipment window shows the current equipped skills, the bottom equipment window shows all available skills, and the right equipment window shows DOM (Dominance Capacity) and the current equipped accessory
-6) DOM is written as the ratio (like HP and SP): Available/Max
-7) Each skill lowers the available DOM by a different amount (based on Item ID)
-8) DOM can be increased by certain armors (Based on Armor ID, use the Evasion spot (I modified the DBS to not use it)

Just be happy it's not another CBS request :P I do that a lot.
Just wait for the Skill Mana update, Skill Equip System, The only difference is that their is no max Dom and it recovers automatically by a set number (which you can define) and as far as another command, well, your on your own for that one unless their is some kind of cross compatibility between this and tricksters rewrite of the advance commands script



That's not what I was asking for, but thanks for helping me come up with a clearer way of explaining it.

I want it to have a max DOM depending on each person.
What I meant by #7 was that each skill you equip lowers it. Lets say Bob the Librarian has a DOM of 7. He's equuipped with a Good Book, which has the skills:
Skill:                           DOM
 Cure                             2
 Heal                             2
 Dust                             5
If he had Dust equipped, he's have 2/7 DOM left. That means he'd only be able to use Dust and whichever of the two remaining ones he had equipped.

Sorry for not being more specific. I don't necessarily need a new menu option, but it would be nice.

To whoever decides to script this (if anyone does): Just make it easy to call the Skill Equip screen so I can add the option.

Oh, and an addition: I don't want it to be SDK (none of my other scripts will function with the SDK).
Heh, Trickster is working on a Skill Equip System as we speak, as far as the book, I am guessing that can be covered by The Equipment Skills script (The AP one) you can set it so that characters can't permanently have the skill. I think that he is making exactly what you asked for, since it sounds similar to what I request a week and a half back. (Yes I am still waiting for that script, and the Skill Mana update as well)

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