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Does this Battler look enough like the RTP?



Well... I made this battler with my mazing skils for a game I'm working on.

I as wondering if everyone thought itlooksed enough like he RTP to use...

I don't want by game to look like this.
(WARNING) This spoiler contains a very disturbing image... not meant for the feint of heart.. dont say I didn't warn you (WARNNG)

^----^ That... is the one thing that pisses me off about half of the indie games in the world. They MIX DIFFERENT GRAPHICS STYLES AND THINK IT LOOKS GOOD. Well that RIGHT there does NOT mx.

so... lol

Do you guys think this battler will look good with the rest of the RTP?

http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i196/ ... Leane2.jpg[/IMG]
The pants could use more shading. They look baggy to me, so give them folds. Make the mouth and nose easier to see. Other than that, not bad at all.



Nah... I printed the 4 male RTP battlers out, drew the pcture to the skeleton size of the battlers, then scanned it in, then resized the battler, ten tested im with the others... I think they fit enough, but I wanted to se what everyone else thought.
Looks pretty good, but it's not as cartoony looking as the RTP actually. But if you can make stuff like that, you should be making your own anyways.
oh that first thing was a joke. hahaha. yes i agree with you.

Uhmn the battler is a litttllle wonky .. mostly in the feet that i can see at the moment.



I guess wonky is the best word for the drawing style.
I tried, and I think I did do a half-decent job of copying the RTP. It DOES loo fine together, it just... Is missing somthing.

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