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Does anyone might know what's wrong with me? (Health issue)



Um, guys, I know this is weird but I just barely noticed right now that inside my mouth, the upper part (Behind the upper lip) has some white spots with some of them torn. What are those supposed to be O_o?



Okay, now I'm officially scared. Can you at least tell me what it is so I can tell the doctor what I'm in for?
Yes, please see a doctor as soon as possible. If insurance is a problem, there are free clinics or specific places you can go to when you don't have insurance. (They're virtually anywhere. You can do an internet search if you're not familiar with any in your area.)

Just tell your doctor all of the symptoms, describe them as well as you can. You should even write them down prior to going just so you don't forget anything.

The doctor's gonna be the one to diagnose you and can give you treatment, so focus on that for now.
These are some things that can cause white spots on the mouth/lips/tongue

Lichen planus
Koplik's spots
Keratosis pharyngis

Jesus man, ever heard of a healthy diet? If you eat shit like that all the time, you're going to be either 18st or have a heart attack by the age of 30.



Well guys, it seems I caught a disease (I don't know what it is since my doctor never told me). Apparently, my gums are swollen and there's a lot of blisters in my mouth (Hence, the white spots). Oh well, I should be okay as long as I clean my teeth real good and use the medicine they gave me to swab the blisters. But god damn, I suffered a lot of things since November (My last visit to the doctors), and I'm very unaware of them at the moment. In fact, they say I might still be kind of sick or something since my last visit. They say the cause of the blisters in my mouth might be because I've been sick for so long, I'm not getting enough nutritions or something like that, and thus I lost about 15 pounds.

I gotta go back to the doctor's next month for lab results since I had to take a blood and urine sample. At least I now know that I didn't get Acid Reflux, Strep throat and whatever you guys listed. They tested me for those possibilities and my results came back as negative.



Venetia;291990 said:
Bad diet does a lot to a person. People who eat healthy and exercise regularly feel better and have stronger immune systems.

Truest thing I ever read, I go to the gym 3 days a week and eat a lot of healthy food (I eat junk food too, got to have a treat once in a while) and I rarely get ill.

So you should eat better and exercise more.

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