I respect your views, but personally, I disgaree - you have to know
some theory to write successful music. I mean, even just a little bit of knowledge of chord construction helps. Without that, you're really in the dark when it comes to writing music. These "atrocious garage band players" probably don't have groupies for their musical talent... :] Reading music is not very hard - I don't look down upon people who can't do it, I look down upon people who don't even
try to read music or learn some theory, and then complain why they aren't good at what they do.
By the way, I don't think what musical instrument you play can classify you as a "nerd" or not. "Nerdiness" is a personality thing. I don't think some of you have even met trained musicians if that's the stereotype you have... we don't run around with our pocket protectors and thick glasses hiding in corners studying our theory all day. XD If anything, music majors and trained musicians are usually some of the most outgoing and flamboyant people you'll meet. They're not shy timid little nerds. I'm certainly not a nerd and I play a cello as well as do classical/operatic singing.
(P.S.: You'd be surprised how many Classical guitarists have adoring female fans, too~!
Thomas Violteau, a famous French classical guitarist, came to our campus and all the women and gay guys were in an uproar after his concert! He had the magic combo of being cute, plus a French accent, plus amazing skill! *_* Knockout...)
Anglachel, once you're out of highschool, most people usually react like so when you tell them you play an instrument: "Wow! That is so cool! I wish I played [insert instrument name here]" or "Wow! That is so cool! Makes me wish I kept up with playing after highschool." I've never been accused of being a nerd for being a cellist - most people are actually really fascinated by it. n_n I hear so often things like "I love the cello!" from so many people. If you want to play something, just go for it - I started playing with no musical talent beyond the recorder. It's not really much about natural talent, it's moreso about determination and how hard you work and practice. :D
Also, about the guitar, don't be offended by what I said - if you read my last sentence correctly, you should know you and your friend were not included in that.
P.S.: Don't listen to Reives everyone, he's insanely talented! I've heard him play before :p