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Do videogames and TV influence people?

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No they do not influence people, if i was to jump of a cliff and someone did the the same thing i did caused they watched it, then solely they don't have a right mind. Creativity is an expression, if one makes their choices by what they see on tv or play in a video game then they should be rechecking their mind. Censorship is what is going to kill creativity. It is the parents responsiblity for what there child does, if the parent has no idea what a game entails or has no idea what their child can watch, then that parent should be sent to jail. if you ban a game, you might as well ban music, movies, and tv , and take away reading too, if you cant understand what is real from unreal, then the parents need to teach their kids, or they should send the tyke to a psycharitrist. 



Altrough Television do not influence people's way to be, he does certainly influence people's opinions.

And here, in Italy, where the party taken over main television broardcasters, its easy for the party to change people's opinion about everything. I remember when we got a porn actress in our government, and everyone said "YEAH IT'S COOL!" instead of saying "What the fuck is this shit?"

Why? Well, if you see some Italian stuff youll undertand. Here its full of shit, i can assure you.

So, long story short, TV dont influence majorly people way to be, but, trough shows and such, it can surely influence people's opinion.
Yes, television and videogames absolutely do influence people. Every single thing that a person has access to influences them.

But anybody who does anything bad and blames it on television or videogames is a fucking idiot.
I saw this guy named Neo jump across building gaps! If Neo could do this, why couldn't I?....Now I'm a quadriplegic and under joint action lawsuit by the City of Tampa and the lawyer whose car I landed on.

Yes, they do, unfortunately. It's sad. But what are you going to do? There will always be idiots. I just don't like the gay rich people in California who want to outlaw the 'M' rated games and whatnot. They must not be very brushed up on something called the First Amendment.



Yes. Definitely
Quite honestly, a certain "hardest video game boss ever we all know and love" influenced me a lot. I am a huge danmaku fan, but I use to have a use phobia of insects. Played Mushihimesama (Insect Princess - An insect themed danmaku shmup), which made me curious on insects, the creatures I've shielded myself from for so long. And now I want to become an entomologist(A scientist and researcher for insects)!!
Amazing, isn't it? A single franchise made me see the beauty in those adorable little googly eyed cuties ^_^

Though keep in mind that it is up to the individual whether or not to make choices they've been influenced. Someone should be taught right and wrong, and not deal drugs because they saw it in GTA.
I mean, I play MGS4. But I don't go around trying to score headshots.



It was a meaningful contribution, I don't mind necro here as long as it's pointed and opens up new lines of conversation. I actually prefer it to opening new threads on the same topic, as it cuts down on rehashing old arguments.
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