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Do modern Christians worship Christ?

Heres why I believe there is a God: Does God Exist?

On the topic of Do modern Christians worship Christ, why would we? I do. I can't say the same for a lot of people. But why would we worship Christ? Our lives are perfect. We live in America. Freedom. No rules almost. All of our major rules and standards have diminished as the years have gone. We can show sex on TV, cussing in public, loss of a good work ethic and many other things. America is blessed so why do we need to worship Christ? Other countries are in horrible shape. Those are the places seeing the most miracles, experiencing God first hand. We have it made in the shade. What do we need? Nothing. The only reason to worship Christ is to give him praise for giving us life. I personally love worshiping him and try to follow his word(bible) everyday. Its hard, but I try(I'm only human). But many people have no reason to. A lot of people are fake. Its hard to say but I get the feeling I'm fake sometimes, but I ask Him for help all the time, I pray all the time. Give him thanks and worship him. I try reading my bible as much as possible, so I can honestly say I'm not fake. But that doesn't give me the right to point the blame finger.

What I don't get is how people don't believe He exists. He isn't human first of all so stop comparing him to us. If we can make super computers and super smart A.I., why can't a greater being create us?
Diaforetikos":1qwlx389 said:
Heres why I believe there is a God: Does God Exist?
But first consider this. If a person opposes even the possibility of there being a God, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away. It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking.
I stopped reading exactly here, because the exact same thing can be said for those who have convinced themselves into believing in God. The big difference between people who question God's existence and moon landing conspiracy nutjobs is that the lunar loonies have no empirical evidence to back them up.
What I don't get is how people don't believe He exists. He isn't human first of all so stop comparing him to us. If we can make super computers and super smart A.I., why can't a greater being create us?

Yes, but that would not be an end in itself. The designer would himself have to have a cause, or a designer. It also doesn't validate Biblical History, or that this designer was incarnated in the form of Jesus Christ. Nor does it automatically mean that God is Good, or All-Powerful, or whatever.

There are far greater and more plausible reasons to argue for the existence of a deity

1.) Makes me laugh. This is the classic example to which I refered above:

1: Fish have fins.
2: Fish swim in the sea.

QED: Fish have to have fins, because they swim in the sea.

In actuality: Because they swim in the sea, fish have fins.

This occurs at least six times in the discussion on water in fact, after the introduction of "water" as the topic, EVERY paragraph commits this fallacy.

2.) I'd recommend this person read, amongst other things, anything by Steven Pinker. He does a very good job of explaining the brain/mind without resorting to the celestrial tooth-fairy.

3.) This is like that argument of evolution - that it all happened through chance, when in fact, it didn't.

If I gave you a pack of cards, and told you to produce twelve cards, and you produced the entire suit of hearts, would you think it was a divine act? Maybe you'd think that the odds of those twelve cards being produced was incredibly remote, when, in actual fact, the statistical odds are the same as drawing any other twelve cards. You only think that it is special or meaningful because of the designs on the cards. You're also assuming that you're holding a full suit of hearts in your hand.

4.) Argumentum ad populum. Yawn. Slavery was pretty popular too, you know.

5.) Wow... Someone's getting desperate now. This entire passage makes me think of Sartre's notion of "Bad Faith". You should try reading "Being and Nothingness" right after you finish Bertrand Russell. Broaden your horizons and you'll soon see that most of the places Yahweh is shoved have already been filled in.

In response to her question about challenging the religious (and yours above), you are at perfect liberty to believe in the Tooth Fairy too if you want to: what you do not have is the right to break my teeth as an offering, and if your voting in favour of what you feel the Tooth Fairy would have you do, then I am at perfect liberty to challenge you. Moreso, some might say, considering the damage religion has done and continues to do.

At any rate, someone needs to put their horse firmly back in front of the cart where it belongs.

6.) Grasping at straws?! As I keep saying, the existence of a diety would not validate the existence of Yahweh, Yeshua or Biblical "history".

That is what sets Jesus apart from all the others. He said God exists and you're looking at him

There's an entire ward in Jerusalem for people like that. And au contraie, many people through out history have claimed to be God, and have backed that up with accounts as credible as the Gospels. Jesus and the Gospels happens to be one of the few who has endured - and don't claim this is proof of his veracity either. It has more to do with better advertisement and psychological abuse than anything else.
This makes for an interesting read: It points out some of the glaring inaccuracies and contradictions that people are willing to gloss over in order "to believe"

I personally love worshiping him and try to follow his word(bible) everyday.

Do you follow Deuteronomy 13:13-19? How about Exodus 21:7-11? Jesus made it clear that he upheld the Old Testament, you know.

I suppose we should stick with more... adjacent... verses.

Matthew 13:10-15
Mark 4:11-12
Mark 11:13
Luke 12:47

Actually Mark 7:9 is a good one. Loving Jesus criticises Jews for not ritually killing their children according to the laws of Moses.

I assume that your parents are also Christians? I guess you need to take care not to dishonour them!

...although I assume that, of course, you do not follow those bits anymore, which leads me straight back to my original point:

People don't worship Christ because the character has evolved from what Christ was. It is impossible to tell what he truly meant in most cases (probably because he's speaking in riddles so we all got to Hell, like he said) but Christ is merely the reflection of the current times onto the monomyth or monomythic characters and structures.

And just for laughs...
10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering.  And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers.  You consider that to be evidence that prayer works.  And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.

Sic Semper Tyranosaurus":hp8rqsz2 said:
and moon landing conspiracy nutjobs is that the lunar loonies have no empirical evidence to back them up.

Actually, it can be argued that they do have some degree of empirical evidence, however that evidence is nulified by explanations that are either beyond their grasp or of which they are not aware :)
Ok, that top 10 list is super serious. I do know atheists who know more about the Bible than I do, but do also know atheist turned Christians who know more about the bible than I do.

I can't argue with you on that list. I just rather put my faith in a personal experience that you don't know until you try than some billionth of a trillionth chance of the Earth being created naturally. What kinda bullshit chance is that? That we just so happen to be the only known species in space. The only planet perfectly close to the sun so we don't burn or freeze. The only planet who's moon is perfect close to the Earth so that the waves don't move or don't kill us. Or that we are the only species known to be able to retain unlimited amount of information. Or that we are the only species known to hug, cuddle, kiss, love, and actually feel an affect from that. The only species to create words that hurt each other(cuss words). Who engraved in stone that cuss words were bad words? I don't know who. If you find out, tell me. We are the only species with thumbs that actually do something. The only ones smart enough to know when we have done something bad, such as lie or kill. Who set those things as standards? If it was evolution, why didn't other species grow besides humans. There were so many more animals. How did brains come into existence if the first species were mindless retards?

The chances of all of these things is me pulling on a slot machine and hitting the jackpot 1628 times(rounded off). Then our DNA would have to be created. Electrodes we need to be generated to send signals to the brain. But there wasn't a brain to begin with. Then atoms, the things you can't even see without a microscope zoomed in 300x to see, would single handedly need to regenerate itself to produce life. The amoeba would then be created. Out of nowhere. Then it would regenerate itself. Over time, the DNA would randomly change somehow, even though its in the same water, and create different lifeforms. Those life forms randomly knew how to survive because of "DNA instinct." Over time animals, dinos, and other random B.S. would come about. Then retards came outta nowhere and were human, randomly. They knew how to survive as humans. They lived long enough to become smart and become what we are today. What the f are the chances of that happening.

At least someone was smart enough to come up with religion so we could waist our time on pointless B.S.. Someone got bored and said I'll make a thing called God. Hes the best ever and he has powers. Then he put his favorite rules and standards, and was smart enough to come up with bs stories about Jews who just so happen to be a real race. And then he randomly tosses in people from real life so it seems real. He wanted to control life so he randomly wrote the bible. I dont know how he thought it would give him control but it did. I just have to say that that guy was very smart, even for back then. He must of had help. Well I believe him. I've experienced what he has written about. So I personally can't say he wrote a lie if I've experienced it. I guess some of it has to be true. But I guess all that time I was lying to myself.

Thats what it seems you think of religion.

One last thing. When I was about 7, my mom took me to this random church where this random white dude preached about I dont know what. I was too young to understand. Then he asked if people wanted to get prayed for. I was 7. I could care less. Then my mom decided that herself, my brother and I should go up there. I cried and whined my way up to the stage, and as he touched me and started to pray for me, I cried and pulled away. Then I heard him say, "In Jesus name" and I fell to the ground. And no he didn't push me because I woulda feel. I was really small for my age. But I fell. I felt something over me for about 30 seconds and it was gone. I'm not making this up. But it happened. I will never forget that because it happened to me first, then I saw it happen to my brother and we talked about it for days. It was weird. Just an experience that I was too young to understand. I just wanted to share it.
Christianity has become what Jesus fought against those two-thousand years ago. Funny, isn't it? If Jesus would live in our time, he'd be utterly disappointed in the religion as it is now...
At least someone was smart enough to come up with religion so we could waist our time on pointless B.S.. Someone got bored and said I'll make a thing called God. Hes the best ever and he has powers. Then he put his favorite rules and standards, and was smart enough to come up with bs stories about Jews who just so happen to be a real race. And then he randomly tosses in people from real life so it seems real. He wanted to control life so he randomly wrote the bible. I dont know how he thought it would give him control but it did. I just have to say that that guy was very smart, even for back then. He must of had help. Well I believe him. I've experienced what he has written about. So I personally can't say he wrote a lie if I've experienced it. I guess some of it has to be true. But I guess all that time I was lying to myself.
Popular belief is that the OT is a compilation of fables and folk stories spread largely by word of mouth and finally collected in a book and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-written for centuries to suit the needs of different societies and regimes.

But you can just keep jackin' it over there; you're enjoying yourself.
I can personally say as a modern Christian I don't go to church. I would love to go sure, but I work, I have life that interferes with such activities. I pray to God, Jesus and love them both the same, most rock music i listen to lately are christian bands, so I guess that is my saving grace, since I can't live without music having my religious views in songs gives me a feeling of being faithful even if I don't pray or worship every day.

I'm not one to shove my religious views down peoples throats, my last girlfriend was an Atheist which never bothered me, I'd rather the one I love be of the same religion or have none at all, that way we don't conflict in those ideas. '

I will say that our religion has gone to waste, moral standards are thrown out the windows in todays society, people do all the sins you can think of without a care of anything in the world. People hardly ever use the confession room any more, so yes we are slipping away, more into a world without a god and more of a way of guidance and sense of responsibility. Sure we can create new gods, but then we'd be called a cult, a disgrace to society, or even worse killed. Freedom has its limits and creating that could even be costly, so yes, I feel we are slipping into a age without a god without a way of standards, just moral codes and expectations.
Diaforetikos":wobbgcbc said:
I really am. Who said that the OT was a comp of old tales. How do they know?
The first time I ever discussed the OT it was when my friend's father talked to them about things while I was over.  He is a Rabbi.
Many Rabbis uphold that much is fictional and metaphorical over that which is.  The lessons not the events are important and real.

I'd trust the originators over the duplicators as for sources personally.

Though in truth almost every religion has those thoughts, and there are Rabbi's out there who would disagree so... blah.
I wasn't intending to answer your question, merely add in a consensus.
Just because it's a debate thread doesn't mean by default that if I quote someone, I'm arguing against them or agreeing.

Your quote was simply the easier one to use on the matter to throw that in randomly.
Diaforetikos":ud7fhzqk said:
I really am. Who said that the OT was a comp of old tales. How do they know?

By comparing the stories with themselves, various texts which have survived and the other historical documents from across the region, and tools such as concordance to identify changes, edits, rewritings. The latter (in relation to proto-religious books) is especially fasinating, and I've been considering doing my thesis on it.
lunarhiro2002":3jgo5ran said:
They KNEW what was right and wrong, so did Issac/Israel/Jacob/Abraham.  These rules are intrinsic to every human being.

Ahahaha, no.  Morals are not intrinsic to every human being, they are learned.  Your moral centre comes from your upbringing - parental influence, surrounding culture, local religion, etc.  They are not innate.

lunarhiro2002":3jgo5ran said:
Human rights?  Honestly again please define how the Church has told people that someone is beneith them.

During the European colonization of the Philippines and of West Africa the Christian religion was introduced in a manner specifically designed to make the native peoples ashamed of their own race and culture.  The bible was also interpreted to allow the slavery of Native Americans and Blacks, as well as Apartheid in South Africa and Canada.

When Jesus was asked what the most important rule of all was, he said that above all others, to love thy neighbour.  All Christian churches and sects have seem to forgotten that over the years and instead have promoted the more discriminatory points - interpretations to subjugate other races and women, the killing of atheists and homosexuals, and the forcible conversion of religious non-christians.

I'd even go so far to say as the christian subjugation experienced in mainland China right now is deserved and has been a long time coming.  It's about fucking time.  It's the only good thing the PRC has done for the world.

Diaforetikos":3jgo5ran said:
To add on to this statement, you have to think about how humans are. So its by chance that we were randomly made from animals millions of years ago because of an explosion. Then we developed into insanely smart humans. With Darwin's Theory, how do you explain the warmth of a hug or the feeling of a kiss? Who created cuss words? How do we feel guilty? How do you explain laughter? It doesn't make sense.

We are not insanely smart.  We may be a few iotas above the rest of the life forms on our planet, but if we really were as intelligent as we claim to be, we would be able to do a lot of things we can't right now.  We would not be intolerant.  We would make our decisions based on logic and rational thought, not emotional, religious, or cultural influences and biases - we would be impervious to those things.  We would be able to come together and make compromises on a large scale.  We would be more open minded.

Instead we express disdain at a person of another race despite the only differences between 'races' are either cosmetic or culturally learned.  We express hatred (sometimes to the point of violence) if people don't conform to a society's set gender roles.  We are arrogant.  We are prone to make decisions with clouded judgments and then blame other factors later.  We have no problem with not taking responsibility for our own actions and finger-pointing to shift the blame away from ourselves.  We're selfish.

Most importantly, we've all experienced firsthand what it's like to do all of these things.  We all know that they are not indicative of the intelligent species we like to think of ourselves as, but we've all done it multiple times anyway.

The warmth of a hug?  Body heat.  The feeling of a kiss?  Chemical reactions in the brain that ultimately lead to procreation.  Cuss words?  Evolving language that eventually found a need for them.  Guilt?  Sociocultural influences that teach us from birth to expect the world and the people in it to be a certain way, with a learned form of self-punishment for going against that order.  Laughter?  A response to the irrational. 

It makes perfect sense.  It's just hard to swallow that we're not as important or gifted as we think we are.

I will say that our religion has gone to waste, moral standards are thrown out the windows in todays society, people do all the sins you can think of without a care of anything in the world. People hardly ever use the confession room any more, so yes we are slipping away, more into a world without a god and more of a way of guidance and sense of responsibility. Sure we can create new gods, but then we'd be called a cult, a disgrace to society, or even worse killed. Freedom has its limits and creating that could even be costly, so yes, I feel we are slipping into a age without a god without a way of standards, just moral codes and expectations.

It is possible to have a society that is both non-christian and still moral.  Hell, it is possible to have a society that is completely non-religious and still moral.  Our society is not one, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't exist or hasn't existed.
We are not insanely smart.  We may be a few iotas above the rest of the life forms on our planet, but if we really were as intelligent as we claim to be, we would be able to do a lot of things we can't right now.  We would not be intolerant.  We would make our decisions based on logic and rational thought, not emotional, religious, or cultural influences and biases - we would be impervious to those things.  We would be able to come together and make compromises on a large scale.  We would be more open minded.
Of course when you look at things logically, they seem to make sense. But thats our problem. We don't want to believe something, so we use one of humanities greatest gifts, logic. The number one thing that sets us apart from all other life forms is logic. If we block out our senses, our emotions, then we achieve logic. Your thinking way too simplistic. I'm talking about our creations, our lifestyles. And what standard are you basing our "smarts" off of. And emotions, explain that to me. How the hell did we gain emotions from a single strand of DNA?(this statement does contradict my next statement)

The warmth of a hug?  Body heat.  The feeling of a kiss?  Chemical reactions in the brain that ultimately lead to procreation.  Cuss words?  Evolving language that eventually found a need for them.  Guilt?  Sociocultural influences that teach us from birth to expect the world and the people in it to be a certain way, with a learned form of self-punishment for going against that order.  Laughter?  A response to the irrational.
This answer is based off of logic. When we don't want to believe or care, we use logic as an excuse for almost everything. It's kinda sad. Yes, it makes sense to use logic for a lot of things. A LOT OF THINGS. But as humans, we don't know when to cut the cord. If something isn't believable to the eye, we try to explain it with logic because we are too "irrational" to believe it. If a man jumps off a 40 story building and lands, our first reaction would be amazement, then we would use logic to try to explain it. Everything can be explained with logic. Logic is the excuse for non-belief.

What I still don't get is how someone would rather take there chances on believing a 1:1,000,000,000 probability of humans being randomly created, than a 1:1,000,000 probability of human being purposely created.
Read this(this is not a biblical source of any kind): Darwinism VS Creationism
Diaforetikos":3ph8q0ta said:
And emotions, explain that to me. How the hell did we gain emotions from a single strand of DNA?(this statement does contradict my next statement)

Emotions are also culturally learned - It's been proven via sociological and anthropological research that the range of emotions a person can feel are also not innate and vary from culture to culture and region to region.

Diaforetikos":3ph8q0ta said:
This answer is based off of logic. When we don't want to believe or care, we use logic as an excuse for almost everything. It's kinda sad. Yes, it makes sense to use logic for a lot of things. A LOT OF THINGS. But as humans, we don't know when to cut the cord. If something isn't believable to the eye, we try to explain it with logic because we are too "irrational" to believe it.

Or possibly, because if something isn't believable to the eye, we set aside our tendencies to jump to the irrational explanation, think "we don't know enough about natural science to explain this phenomenon yet", and set out to find the answer?

There is no reason to say "alright we understand how the natural world works up to a point but anything we don't understand from here on let's just chalk it up to faith, make up an answer, and forget about studying it."  It's people that 'don't know how to cut the cord', as you put it, that make some of the biggest scientific discoveries because they are unwilling to simply believe some random answer that some idiot with no scientific background made up because he didn't want his faith to be challenged.

A few hundred years ago when surgery was russian roulette because people would die on the table constantly one guy (i forget his name whoopz) theorized that invisible (or small) microbes were attacking the exposed organs.  Doctors worldwide renounced his study as rubbish as they lacked his vision and preferred to continue making up faith-based excuses (like "god obviously doesn't want us tampering with a person's insides".)  Today, we know that the man was right and it's exactly why operating rooms are sterile environments.

Diaforetikos":3ph8q0ta said:
If a man jumps off a 40 story building and lands, our first reaction would be amazement, then we would use logic to try to explain it. Everything can be explained with logic.

I'm not going to disagree with you here because everything that you've said is completely right - you seem to think it's BAD that we depend on logic.

Of course are first reaction would be amazement.  We're a shallow, paranoid, frightened, superstitious species.  We have no problem making up stories about gods or luck or miracles at the first sign of something unique.  But you're right, logic (and sciences) can be used to explain why that man survived that landing.  And come now, is that a bad thing?  Would you rather us be thinking "the sky god is angry" when it rains or actually knowing about our planet's weather cycle?

Diaforetikos":3ph8q0ta said:
Logic is the excuse for non-belief.

Faith is the excuse for irrationality.  The only difference is that logic has proven itself to be the sole descriptor of reality over religion, time and time again, all throughout recorded human history.

Diaforetikos":3ph8q0ta said:
What I still don't get is how someone would rather take there chances on believing a 1:1,000,000,000 probability of humans being randomly created, than a 1:1,000,000 probability of human being purposely created.
Read this(this is not a biblical source of any kind): Darwinism VS Creationism

If there was a trillion slips of paper in a hat and one trillion people took a slip, sure the changes of YOU winning are slim.  But somebody's gotta win.

If there was a trillion ways for life on our planet to involve into some kind of intelligent form, one of the ways eventually has to take hold.  Assume that humans didn't come about and a bug-based intelligent species evolved instead - they would have the capacity to create architecture, music, gods, prostitution, economics, everything we have.  And they'd be having the same conversation - some people believing a god-bug created the world and doubting evolution because of the 'chances', and science-based bug guy who says "well a primate-based species could've been raised instead".

Doesn't the fact that humankind emerged against all the odds in the way it did (and is able to do silly things like worry whether one should say "humankind" instead of "mankind" because it is discriminating to the female of the species) seem more miraculous than having a celestrial Big Brother making it all happen?  :thumb:

I stopped reading that article after the words "irreducible complexity" popped up. It's a shame: this article is more reasonable than most at the beginning, yet like all once those two words pop up then everything rapidly begins to go downhill..

What this article is advocating is the usual absurd creationist nonsense: Challenge EVERYONE to produce (on-the-spot mind you) all the evidence accounting for evolution - all the biological, genetic, archaeological evidence -and if they can't: HA! GOD WILLS IT!

Case closed.

Don't go about trying to explain how these events which from our perspective, appear to have been designed because you can't. It's an act of God. Join the 'intellectual' revolution and bring the nation forward into another Dark Age!

Of course, we're dramatically moving away from the topic. Whether or not there is a designer would not validate biblical history nor would it prove whether modern Christians worship Christ.
Ok, I am randomly posting this in this topic for a reason I do not know, but I feel I must post it.

Last night, my pastor said something to me that kinda shocked me. He told us not to listen to him. He told us that he is just a messenger and that we have the same powers and anointing that he has. He is no one special. He just helps give us insight on the Word of God, aka the Bible.

He said that we shouldn't just read the bible. We should learn to hear the voice of God. Now, if you can hear the voice of God, many people will think you are crazy and some will say you are blessed. But in the bible it does state that man cannot live on bread alone, but also by the very words that proceeds from the mouth of God.

There are many examples of this. The story of the Canaanite women whose daughter was demon-possessed. She cried out to Jesus asking for mercy so He could help her daughter. Jesus ignored her. The disciples told Jesus to send her away. She was becoming bothersome. Then He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." Which is true. Jesus' original goal was to only help the people of Israel, no one else. She fell to her knees and begged Him to help. He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." Meaning it wasn't His place to give her a miracle when it was only meant for the people for Israel. Then she said, "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters' table." Jesus told her, "Woman, you have great faith!" Her daughter was healed that hour.

If you noticed, Jesus didn't help her because He felt like it. He stuck to the Law of God until the "Voice" of God told him to help her. Her faith brought the Holy Spirit, which is a part of God so it can carry God's voice, through Jesus. He didn't do it until her faith kicked in. Another good example of this is John 8.

I don't know why I wrote that. I just felt I had to. It opened my eyes a little. One more quote and I'm done.
"What you know can keep you from what you need to know."

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