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DJ Anime/Manga ART DUMP


Some guy that did RMXP before

http://i339.photobucket.com/albums/n460 ... rmexp2.png[/img]
Just an art that I was messin' up for 2days..... I think it's not good in art at all
Give some critiques:crazy:I want some improvement :dead:
2008 - 11 - 13 = SHITTY ART DUMPhttp://i339.photobucket.com/albums/ ... 08/em5.gif[/img]
2008-11-14 2 Arshes
2008 - 11 - 18 = Found bunch of old arts.
(Don't critique this. Because it is old so I know all problems about it)
http://i339.photobucket.com/albums/n460 ... looper.png[/img]
(Ignore the korean writing on it)
http://i339.photobucket.com/albums/n460 ... dbf37e.png[/img]


Awesome Bro

the smudge on the eyebrows looks horrible aswell.

The lineart is fairly good but you've got outside the lines on your colouring a little in areas. I'm not a fan of the nose, but I'm not a fan of anime either.



Don't you already have an art topic? Didn't I say something about your style? Isn't this still a step in the wrong direction?

Going by your other drawings of front-facing Arshes, this is a massive step backwards -- it looks like you're sliding backwards into chibi territory. Work on facial proprtions, work on how much effort you're putting into things like the hair (it still looks like a scribble-line to me, so even if you're taking your time on it you need to give it a more natural shape,) and work on other subjects.
Jesus Christ, I thought the title of this topic said "Crazy art of JD"


but yeah. While in my opinion, anime styles aren't 100% horrible, it would do you good to study other styles. this just screams OMFG generic anime style.
The eyes are a too big! Manga usually calls for big eyes but thats overdoing it a little isn't it?
Also, the chin is weird, the face is overall the wrong shape for a guy, and the mouth is girly as well.
If you were going for a female Arshes though... Oh yeah, also, male eyes are smaller in manga.
*thows a contract your way*

Want to draw for me? I'll pay in umm, er, "THank you Credits" ? lol

I like it, it's anime and it's been getting a lot of stick lately. But looking at it for what it is, It's quite nice.

Yes, the flicks on the eyes shouldn't be there. They're odd.

Yes, the hair should come over the eyes (but in true anime style should turn magically transparent and only show outlines.

Yes, the clothes are flat bar the next guard and shoulder plates.

But all in all, it's a good picture in my opinion.



what? dude it looks LIKE A BUG

no offfense dj (i like you as a person and all) but this is ridiculously outlandish :(

the eyes are obvious but the chestplate needs work too. gl
The lines are very clean though. But yeah what moog said. The eyes and a lot of other things might need some more work. Although this is what you'd technically call "style". More or less.


Some guy that did RMXP before

SHITTY ART DUMPhttp://i339.photobucket.com/albums/ ... 08/em5.gif[/img]



how are these shitty? the mm one is actually pretty good. the cat girl looks drawn well too.

they are a helluva lot better than the arshes imo.


Some guy that did RMXP before

moog":2wxjrd4u said:
how are these shitty? the mm one is actually pretty good. the cat girl looks drawn well too.

they are a helluva lot better than the arshes imo.
that's true. the word "shitty" is just kind of joke. :P
and now i think arshes is shitty; I cannot understand why I drawed like this < Nevermind

Anyway, when I posted arshes I had somewhat bad drawing skill
and now I improved it and I'll gonna draw new looking arshes...

also I got a new tool to draw; SAI Easy Painting...MM one is drawn by that...
It's not that popular in US and ROK(Korea) but it is really popular in japan because this is the really good stuff. I don't understand why people don't use such a great tool like this........maybe that's because it is not known well in here(Korea) and RMXP....

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