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display two variables as a fraction in a string?

I have a draw text command that goes like this:


In my HUD object, it displays fine, but I can't figure out how to get it to actually display the two variables in the string the way I want. I want them to display like this:


but I get this:


basically, I want to negate the division and just display a slash between the two values. How would I do this?
that's what I thought, and I tried that.
action number 12
of Draw Event
for object HUD_parent:

COMPILATION ERROR in code action
Error in code at line 4:
at position 43: Symbol , or ) expected.


Awesome Bro

Hmm, see, I'm not too great with GML, so I'm just guessing lol.

How about...


Again, just guessing lol, not sure how to do this.
tried all of these (and more) and still nothing, so I got fed up with it and rewrote the code and changed it to display the two numbers as a fraction like this:


and I actually like it better this way so consider this solved :thumb:



I know you found another solution, but just fyi you can solve the problem by getting the string representation of the numbers and use standard string concatenation:
draw_text(x + 515, y + 55, player_gun.magazine.to_s + "/" + player_base.ammo.to_s)


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