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Disable/Enable Player Movement

Minitut: Quick Player Movement
Author: Meâ„¢
Version: 1.0

This Mini-Tutorial was created as I have read quite some general support threads about: How can I stop the player from moving? Now, In RMXP there is a so super simple command for it.

Disable the movement
Instead of blocking the player in, setting his face lock on and putting him on an impassable tile, you can simply use the event code below. Hé! What happens? The player moves towards... himself. Yes, that is impossible. The player will be blocked (movement) until it is enabled.
@>[color=darkred]Set Move Route: Player[/color]
:               [color=darkred]: $>Move toward Player[/color]

Enable the movement
To (re)-enable the players movement, you can simply use the event code below. This will unblock (movement) him, until you block it again...
@>[color=darkred]Set Move Route: Player[/color]
:               [color=darkred]: $>Turn away from Player[/color]

@psgels: I agree a FAQ is better for this.

Scripts work so much easier Me...

Note that this requires the SDK (just part of an old script) (I can make one non-SDK).
# ** Game_Player

class Game_Player < Game_Character
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :disable_player_movement
  attr_accessor :disable_player_trigger
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_ispsystem_gameplayer_init initialize
  alias seph_ispsystem_gameplayer_upm update_player_movement
  alias seph_ispsystem_gameplayer_uat update_action_trigger
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Turns Off Disable Movement & Trigger
    @disable_player_movement = false
    @disable_player_trigger = false
    # Original Initialization
  # * Player Movement Update
  def update_player_movement
    # Original Update Player Movement Unless Movement Disabled
    seph_ispsystem_gameplayer_upm unless @disable_player_movement
  # * Update Action Trigger
  def update_action_trigger
    # Original Update Player AT Unless Movement Disabled
    seph_ispsystem_gameplayer_uat unless @disable_player_trigger

Now you can just use $game_player.disable_player_movement = true or false and it will disable movement.
Both ways work fine. This is interesting indeed. :3

Although I might see myself using the Move Event thing more, but the Script thing seems easy as well.

Thank you for viewing

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