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Direct X Script

i understand what he means, allow me to explain!

What he wants to know is this:

Is it possible to make Direct X x.0 work with rmxp, so that the creator can use better graphics(direct x being a visual handaling program)
Uh... first off, why would you want to? I dont think the rmxp really would need better graphics because, graphics dont make the game... they do help, but story line is what makes a game good...

Edit: Also, isnt direct x mostly for 3d games? since the rmxp doesnt run 3d, this would also be pretty pointless to use... But, i dont really know much about direct x so maybe im wrong.
Well, RMXP needs Direct X to run but you are right gorechild, rmxp doesn't run 3d games. RGSS is probably too slow for that.

I'm curious, I'd like to know why you want that.

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