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Different Limit Break/Rage



What do you think of this:

A limit break script like the other ones, but in this you can use just a portion of the bar not the full bar, like the Rage scripts. Also without having to equip armors or weapons with skills attached.

Could this be possible?
This is possible, but unfortunately I am no scripter... I think SephirothSpawn was working on something like this... I could be wrong though or ask someone to edit his OverDrive script.
lol, well I'm done I cheated a little by using a Fake_Item class, but it was the quickest and most effective way of adding that feature as soon as Trickster finishes his you can choose which one to use, It really doesn't matter which one, since now my script has another feature that I've been meaning to add for awhile now ;)

And now I'm feeling the effects of all of the sugar I had today *collapses at keyboard and starts sleeping*

file *yawn* is *yawn* available *yawn* http://www.rmxp.org/forums/local_links.php?catid=31&linkid=923 *snore*



Thank you hmm...actually I'm lost, I always thought Trickster and you were the same person, anyway thank you to both.

I've seen you added IP skills to the actor and also to the class, well thought.

I'm gonna try the script on my project after the lunch.

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