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Devil May cry (WIPs)

I was making a sprite for my game when I realised that "Hey this guy looks alot like dante?" So i did some editing and I ended up with a pretty cool Dante character set. I also fitted him with some weapons to make him seem cooler (if thats possible).

Dante (Pissed)::mad:
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... Shades.png[/IMG]

Dante With Shades::-/
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... /Dante.png[/IMG]

Dante(Pissed) With Sawn-Off::lol:
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... wn-off.png[/IMG]

Dante(Pissed) with dual Wield Enormous Guns::lol:
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... Loaded.png[/IMG]

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... ocking.png[/IMG]

Yup, thats all I did so far. Tell me what you think. Ill probaly do some poses later of shooting jumping transforming and whatnot. That is if I get good feedback on these



Honestly.... i think u should try again. his head is way too small and u seemed to miss the whole concept of Dante. I mean his body is too big... I honestly thought he was an agent wearing a red coat at first.

don't take it offensively tho.



He has a flat face on the side view, the head is still quite small, the shading seems more or less random, little squiggles here and there. And he has the shortest step for a person his size.

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