Thanks! I'm glad you like it. :D Yeah, I'm tired of teenagers too, and I notice that the older I get, the older my characters get. The MC of my last novel is late 30's by the end. Adults are generally much more interesting than teenagers because they already have established commitments and relationships, and plus they're less inclined to whiny angsting. And I'm a huge sucker for nerd characters. Ph.D. = instant badass as far as I'm concerned. I may have a strange definition of badass, but yeah. >_>;
I know that the Houses aren't original, but they're fun because they allow for all kinds of feuds and political maneuverings and stuff. I was also interested in how that kind of thing would translate into the future, and as such they have a slightly different flavor from the stuff you see in fantasy. They have soldiers for, um, some reason (probably because I started it when I was 14, haha), let's call it guarding their trading ships from pirates (ship weapons developed 'cause of pirates, you see) and arms racing with each other, but traditionally they've been economic and political entities, not military ones. They control the media, the Parliament, and most of the economy.
Oh, was I unclear on hacking? I'll go back and look at it when I get home (gotta go out in a minute), but in a nutshell it's mind-rape and as such highly unethical and extremely illegal. (It's also neato, so I turned it into a game mechanic!) You can mine someone's head for information and/or fry all the synapses in their brain, killing them. Anyone with a synchmod who's connected to the synchnet is potentially vulnerable, so everyone has loads of firewalls. As far as mechanics go, everyone basically has two HP bars, one for regular HP and one for synch HP (representing the health of the firewalls). Hacking is the main way to do synch damage, and it takes Mina out of the battle for a while until someone dies or you tell her to quit. Think of it working like telepathic berserk, I guess.
If that didn't answer your question, what are you confused about?