Striker - RRPG
Hello mapper friends, fine?
After a long time busy, here is the uncle Junior with another mapping lesson to you. Wink
The today's topic will be very direct and simple. We'll talk about detail and symmetry and will use as examples florests, dungeons and villages.
But Junior, all this?
- Yeah! So, pay attention in order to lose anything. Eerything will be well explained!
Before wee see how to detect a symmetry and detailing goodly and naturally, I would like those who didn't read my anothers lessons to red, because they
address differents topics and you'll improving your skills in another ways.
The maps explication's order will be made this way:
-For the first part, I'll show a map with a lot of details, but whose were put in a random way, just to full the map.
-I will show how a map is worsen by excessive detailing. The symmetry with the bad detailing that isn't noticed but we'll show it here.
-Then, I'll show a "clean" map, with few details, but used in a good way, so it makes the map to be in perfect harmony with the environment and to make the
player feels that exists life inside game.
1st: Florest
Ex 1: The Wrong Detailing[/img]
- Look, at these screenies, everything was badly, badly detailed; which was to cause a life sensation and make the scene "fine" worsen the map. Take notice
what a few details can ruin the whole map, because the whole ground is very inconstant with sand, grass, black green tiles and, what pretend to give the
needed harmony, ruined the map.
EX 2: Revealling the Symmetry, caused bt the wrong detailing:[/img]
-These lines mark the places where the excessive detailing caused the symmetry. Nature isn't symmetric. There's a error can't occur in a good level mapping,
cos the trees, plants and each other nature's details you can use in a map never can create lines, creating squares or rectangles. Well, this isn't easy to
learn, cos, sometimes, even the players notice, but for those who are careful this is a fatal error.
Ex 3 : The Good Way of Detailing[/img]
- Now, the same map of the before screenies, but with the details' number cut. I didn't do anything "extraordinary", just used the needed details to give
life and make the scene fine, cos we are in a florest where almost everything is green, so I'll use details that underline the green and, of course, used
some yellow and red tones to give a small contrast. It's needed to give the scene a real and live sensation.
2nd: Dungeon
Ex 1 : The Wrong Detailing[/img]
-Again, in a mapa where the details ruin everything. It's always good to focus that what I want to tell that an error isn't the map base, cos it'll be used
later, and in it everything is fine (i didn't used the same tile 3 times, the ground is good, etc) but the detailing part: another thing that ruins the map
is the random mapping: it causes the lack of space to move. You can notice in the dungeon there are too compressed paths, just because the introduction of
wrong details and details and you'll see there aren't necessary to give the life sensation. In a action battle game, this lack of space will be frustrating.
So, be careful to not overload your map.
Ex2 : Revealling the Symmetry, caused bt the wrong detailing:[/img]
-And once again, the lines exposed the symmetry caused by the random detailing, and as I said before, besides the symmetry, there is a lack for space.
Ex 3 : The Good Way of Detailing[/img]
-Now the detaling was reduced, but the map isn't "lifeless" ou bad, on the contrary, it's natural and fine. It's good to remember that with the reduction,
the space is larger.
3rd: Village
Ex 1 : The Wrong Detailing[/img]
-Here, people, pay attention, because this kind of map isn't in anyother of my lessons, so, I'll try to explain how to build a village in a few words and, of
course, looking after the symmetry and detailing.
Ex 2: Revealling the Symmetry, caused bt the wrong detailing:[/img]
-It's importante that you know villages are more symmetric than nature maps (florests, dungeons, etc.), but aren't all symmetric. But cities are more
symmetric than the villages, so I separate them in two screenies:
-The triangles marks the symmetry shouldn't be in a village, because they are nature's. Inside a village, the nature is still very common, so we can't build
triangles with nature, but in the city, it can be because it is human's creation. Even the nature details could be "built" by someone. It's good to remind:
villages are "little" symmetric, because "untouched" nature still can be found here and cities are more symmetric than villages.
-the circles are ,as I said above, some symmetric points that are normal and, as examples, there are some objects in line. Someone put'em there, it's not
random, so it'll be symmetric and it's perfecly welcome in villages. It gives a "human" sensation.
Ex 3 : The Good Way of Detailing[/img]
To finish, here is the village screen. In complete harmony with the environment. Look, there isn't symmetry where nature is, and if there is, because it's a
object that has been placed by someone, which is necessary (the symmetry) to give the sensation of humanity.
So, people, I want to leave clean that I talked about "advanced" symmetry. It's even hard to identify, but it's important that you know that exist a lot of
other types of symmmetry, which makes the game mappin level worsen. I'll show an example for those who don't know to be more careful:
Ex 1[/img]
Ex 2[/img]
In these last, there are the pure symmetry on the detailing and base map. These maps can't never appear in a game where the creator wants to show a good map
So, the lesson is over. Here it is another map lesson. I hope I helped the maker who want to know a little more about mapping, because the understanding is
very important to a good mapper formation. And it's open again the spacen for those who want to post your maps and, soon as I can, I'll try yo help you by
saying which points need to be improved or not. But not only me, but everyone can do this too, feel free!
Thanks for reading this.
See ya.
Tutorials of LevelDesign for RPG Maker XP by Striker is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença 2.5 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
After a long time busy, here is the uncle Junior with another mapping lesson to you. Wink
The today's topic will be very direct and simple. We'll talk about detail and symmetry and will use as examples florests, dungeons and villages.
But Junior, all this?
- Yeah! So, pay attention in order to lose anything. Eerything will be well explained!
Before wee see how to detect a symmetry and detailing goodly and naturally, I would like those who didn't read my anothers lessons to red, because they
address differents topics and you'll improving your skills in another ways.
The maps explication's order will be made this way:
-For the first part, I'll show a map with a lot of details, but whose were put in a random way, just to full the map.
-I will show how a map is worsen by excessive detailing. The symmetry with the bad detailing that isn't noticed but we'll show it here.
-Then, I'll show a "clean" map, with few details, but used in a good way, so it makes the map to be in perfect harmony with the environment and to make the
player feels that exists life inside game.
1st: Florest
Ex 1: The Wrong Detailing[/img]
- Look, at these screenies, everything was badly, badly detailed; which was to cause a life sensation and make the scene "fine" worsen the map. Take notice
what a few details can ruin the whole map, because the whole ground is very inconstant with sand, grass, black green tiles and, what pretend to give the
needed harmony, ruined the map.
EX 2: Revealling the Symmetry, caused bt the wrong detailing:[/img]
-These lines mark the places where the excessive detailing caused the symmetry. Nature isn't symmetric. There's a error can't occur in a good level mapping,
cos the trees, plants and each other nature's details you can use in a map never can create lines, creating squares or rectangles. Well, this isn't easy to
learn, cos, sometimes, even the players notice, but for those who are careful this is a fatal error.
Ex 3 : The Good Way of Detailing[/img]
- Now, the same map of the before screenies, but with the details' number cut. I didn't do anything "extraordinary", just used the needed details to give
life and make the scene fine, cos we are in a florest where almost everything is green, so I'll use details that underline the green and, of course, used
some yellow and red tones to give a small contrast. It's needed to give the scene a real and live sensation.
2nd: Dungeon
Ex 1 : The Wrong Detailing[/img]
-Again, in a mapa where the details ruin everything. It's always good to focus that what I want to tell that an error isn't the map base, cos it'll be used
later, and in it everything is fine (i didn't used the same tile 3 times, the ground is good, etc) but the detailing part: another thing that ruins the map
is the random mapping: it causes the lack of space to move. You can notice in the dungeon there are too compressed paths, just because the introduction of
wrong details and details and you'll see there aren't necessary to give the life sensation. In a action battle game, this lack of space will be frustrating.
So, be careful to not overload your map.
Ex2 : Revealling the Symmetry, caused bt the wrong detailing:[/img]
-And once again, the lines exposed the symmetry caused by the random detailing, and as I said before, besides the symmetry, there is a lack for space.
Ex 3 : The Good Way of Detailing[/img]
-Now the detaling was reduced, but the map isn't "lifeless" ou bad, on the contrary, it's natural and fine. It's good to remember that with the reduction,
the space is larger.
3rd: Village
Ex 1 : The Wrong Detailing[/img]
-Here, people, pay attention, because this kind of map isn't in anyother of my lessons, so, I'll try to explain how to build a village in a few words and, of
course, looking after the symmetry and detailing.
Ex 2: Revealling the Symmetry, caused bt the wrong detailing:[/img]
-It's importante that you know villages are more symmetric than nature maps (florests, dungeons, etc.), but aren't all symmetric. But cities are more
symmetric than the villages, so I separate them in two screenies:
-The triangles marks the symmetry shouldn't be in a village, because they are nature's. Inside a village, the nature is still very common, so we can't build
triangles with nature, but in the city, it can be because it is human's creation. Even the nature details could be "built" by someone. It's good to remind:
villages are "little" symmetric, because "untouched" nature still can be found here and cities are more symmetric than villages.
-the circles are ,as I said above, some symmetric points that are normal and, as examples, there are some objects in line. Someone put'em there, it's not
random, so it'll be symmetric and it's perfecly welcome in villages. It gives a "human" sensation.
Ex 3 : The Good Way of Detailing[/img]
To finish, here is the village screen. In complete harmony with the environment. Look, there isn't symmetry where nature is, and if there is, because it's a
object that has been placed by someone, which is necessary (the symmetry) to give the sensation of humanity.
So, people, I want to leave clean that I talked about "advanced" symmetry. It's even hard to identify, but it's important that you know that exist a lot of
other types of symmmetry, which makes the game mappin level worsen. I'll show an example for those who don't know to be more careful:
Ex 1[/img]
Ex 2[/img]
In these last, there are the pure symmetry on the detailing and base map. These maps can't never appear in a game where the creator wants to show a good map
So, the lesson is over. Here it is another map lesson. I hope I helped the maker who want to know a little more about mapping, because the understanding is
very important to a good mapper formation. And it's open again the spacen for those who want to post your maps and, soon as I can, I'll try yo help you by
saying which points need to be improved or not. But not only me, but everyone can do this too, feel free!
Thanks for reading this.
See ya.[/img]
Tutorials of LevelDesign for RPG Maker XP by Striker is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença 2.5 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at