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Desert Interior WIP

Basically because the RTP desert was both too cold looking and completely inadequate for what I needed it for.

'Course, doing it all myself means it's gonna take much, much longer, but hey, it'll look good! :D


There's almost nothing in it so far, but there will be soon enough. I'll post an in game screenie as soon as I do a ceiling ('Least I think it's the ceiling? O_o) autotile :D The sand tile here was ganked from the RTP one and recoloured to look nice and warm...I'm also not entirely sure about wood grain, I can't decide which one looks better, the one on the left or right with the extra shade?

There's also a half-Kaiser/gRTP one, but it has even less stuff on it so I'll hold off on posting that up :p Plus I have no idea in hell how to sprite sand :p

(I do hope this looks decent on everyone elses monitors. It looks wonderful on the laptop, but like utter crap on this screen ':|)
Actually, it looks pretty interesting, but sadly there isn't much to critique on(i think that's the correct word?)
You should consider changing the colours a bit though.
I can hardly see the pattern :)

A texture more like this one might be a bit more interesting:

Now, i'm not telling you to do exactly as i did in that image.
I just made it in a rush to show you that it is possible to make more interesting patterns for floors and so on :]
Hehe, well here's a (tiny) bit more for you to look at :p They aren't shaded yet, I always like to do the outlines first and sort out any mistakes then. Don't mind the colours of the counters - it's reffed straight from a piccy and I will have some more desert-like recolours soon...ish :) There will also be a bunch of deco/clutter to go on the counter tops...

Thanks heaps for the pattern idea...I think it'll actually make a good rug pattern?

ETA: Holy fuck that pic looks awful on this monitor...think I'll have to test it out on the school comps next week and do some adjustments accordingly!
Apologies for the double/necro post, but I've gotten some more done on this and want a bit of feedback...


Some of it is shamelessly ganked from the RTP until I can figure out how to do kitchen clutter that looks good. :D Any ideas on how to expand the room would be much appreciated!


Piccy of it in action. I'll start on a living room type thing next :)

Again, I hope the colours look right on everyone elses monitors. I've checked them out on the two other comps here, and on the ones at school and it all looks fine...
The wood, browny colors are too dark, and make everything else look too bright, including the character. Make the brown in the countertop/table/floor lighter. Also, the walls are too dark.
That's the problem I'm having with this screen, there's absolutely no contrast and yet the computer beside me displays it properly, as do the ones at school. The piccy below is adjusted so the tileset on this screen matches the one beside me.


How it *should* look. Its just a slider adjustment so bits of it are off, but it shows just how different this screen makes it look ><
Wayy too toony and colorful.
It looks like it's taken straight outta a childrens cartoon.
Also, you're mostly using pillow shading, which looks horrible.
Especially with RMXP. I'm too tired to elaborate, but i'm uh, sure someone else will. :s

Anyway, the overall look and concept is nice.
Uhh...I haven't started shading yet. These are just the outlines, I never do the shading until I'm sure I like the outlines :) I do know enough to avoid the whole pillowshading thing. The only place I can think of that might have a bit of it is the floorboards, and I haven't finished them either.

And I like the colours like that :P I'm sorta going for a cartoony look :)

Thanks for the help though :)
Oh, sorry, it looked like pillowshading with those outlines. sorry.
And um, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't use this because of the color choice.
If you use this with the default RMXP tilesets, it would clash horribly.
Maybe you could release it with an alternate version that uses more natural colors?
Also, those floorboards would look better if you lit it up a bit. Too dark.
I'm just speaking for myself though, i don't know what the rest of the forum population thinks. :thumb:

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