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Desert Heat (includes on-map regeneration)

Well, based on seconds would be cool. The time when you drink a bit, can be varied as you go deeper in desert it'll be warmer so you drink more.
Everything I said is quite easily to do, since I don't know how good Wyat is with Rgss,but I think he can pull it off very well.
I've tried what you said, unfortunately it... doesn't work. (I'll work on timed regeneration later).

# * Desert Heat (and map regeneration)
# By Wyatt, version 1.1
# www.vengeance-rpg.co.nr!
# To turn on desert heat change $in_desert to true
# To turn it off again change $in_desert to false
# When you enter a desert area, call a script with:
# $desert_left = x
# Where "x" is the amount of steps you want before you start losing health
# License:
# It's only a small script, feel free to use in free or commercial games.
# But please give credit.
# Updates:
# 1.1 - - Used attr_accessor and aliased methods
class Game_Party
  # obtain variables
  attr_accessor :in_desert
  attr_accessor :desert_left
  # alias methods
  alias desert_steps increase_steps
  alias desert_initialize initialize
  # initialize
  def initialize
    @desert_left = 250
    @in_desert = false
  # increase steps
  def increase_steps
    # if you are in the desert...
    if @in_desert == true
      if @desert_left > 0
        # drain water
        @desert_left -= 1
        # raise health
        for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
          $game_party.actors[i].hp += 1 unless $game_party.actors[i].hp ==
        # drain health (if you have no water left)
        for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
          $game_party.actors[i].hp -= 1 unless $game_party.actors[i].hp <= 0
      # raise health
      for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
        $game_party.actors[i].hp += 1 unless $game_party.actors[i].hp ==
Eduardo, giving tips are ok, when they are... right -_-....

$game_party.actors.each each do {|actor|} do
 #stuff in here like p actor.name

I think you meant...

$game_party.actors.each { |actor| #stuff }

Which is the exact same as

for actor in $game_party.actors

So it wouldn't be less resources consuming (Dunno if working with i = RANGE is more resources costing)

use Class Variables

Class variables are @@something and are not defined within the method. You meant Instance Variables. There's such a difference...

Also, I would NOT sugest putting this in Game_Party. Although you could say: The Party is in a desert, you better put in in Game_Map. Try to put related data in related places. YOu could do...

class Game_Map

DESERT_MAPS = [3,231,42]

def setup(map_id)
@desert_map = DESERT_MAPS.include?(map_id)

def in_desert
  return @desert_map

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