I kept wanting to pop in and say something too... and kept forgetting... and now the advice I would've given is outdated.
I still think the head is a little too domed. It looks like an oversized (oddly) microcephalic.
You ran into a problem I ran into with my template as well XD
Two pixel crotch, when standing up straight creates a thick double line - however with this template being smaller it's actually less a problem, if a problem at all..
This is contradictory, but I think an earlier version had better shoulders...
The left version is a little square in the shoulders, but that's hard to remedy. In the newer version it appears as if his arms start more than half way to his nipples.
I would say take the opposite, instead of lowering the outter curve of the shoulders, perhaps raising by a pixel closer in, but that might make him look neckless and set ya back one.
Galuck demo, either way you're making good progress.
Hope you don't mind but I was in a pixeling mode. I attempted to show how I would edit this sprite.
It's a combination of two of your versions, with some minor editing to shoulders and head.
Yours are on the right, mine the left.
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... EDIT-1.png[/IMG]
I also zoomed in 5x because looking at this sprite at 100% size for detail is hurting my old man eyes.
I know some people get huffy when you touch their sprites, hope no line was crossed.
Laters, galuck, and good job with the progress.
EDIT and I still get things wrong lol. Fixed something I had screwed up in the first example I posted, but there's still a problem with the neck, etc. Heh, you know what don't even bother listening to me I can't make my own template and I'm screwing up yours XD