I get what you're trying to say but it doesn't really make sense. There is a very small minority of people that are offended when you leave the house. Or that are offended when they see your clothes. Compared to the very large majority of people that become offended when they see another dude's manparts or ladyparts. I find females as attractive as any heterosexual, but if I saw a woman strolling down the street with her breasts hanging out I'd be kind of offended! Weirded out, to say the least. At least by the fact that she thought her body was so beautiful/she was so self-important that she thought the world just had to take a gander at her chest.Amy Pond":icvrr0w7 said:Ah, but at the same time not everybody wants to see your clothes. [/devilsadvocateforthesakeofdebate] Indeed not everybody wants to see your face, your arms, your legs; not everybody wants to see you out of the house. Not everybody wants to see you eat or drink (equally considerable as disgusting) and not everybody wants to be next to black people (bringing in racism because debates always lead to raccism :p). Or something to that extent, it's 9am.
I don't know a single person who finds the act of another person eating or drinking disgusting so I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. :?
Regarding the "clothes are a man-made invention" thing: Well yeah, duh. We've evolved over thousands of years to get used to clothes, have evolved to the fact that we wear them when we're around other people. (people we don't intend to have sex with) But we're supposed to feel uncomfortable seeing another person's genitals outside of a sexual context. We're not supposed to be constantly aroused 24/7!
I know nudity is kind of a hot button issue. But it comes down to how you've been raised and the people you grew up with. You can throw out things like "nudity is BEAUTIFUL :sad: " and "well we weren't BORN with clothes!