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Deadly shooting at US university. 33 dead - Worst in US history

This is the first time I've heard of this. I would have been told by now, seeing as I am currently browsing the internet, I watch news occasionally and I go to school... So that counts as interacting with people, no?
The guy hated fortunate people, I've met people like that but I never knew that it could lead to this...
Aww man, my Korean friends are starting becoming more irritable since this event, I mean jokes not really related to them.

Condolences for all the families of the victims.
kimpoy2006;199149 said:
The guy hated fortunate people, I've met people like that but I never knew that it could lead to this...
Aww man, my Korean friends are starting becoming more irritable since this event, I mean jokes not really related to them.

Condolences for all the families of the victims.

Amen to that.

He wanted a car, but his mom told him to finish his school first.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Scruff McGruff;196987 said:
Do you watch television, read the internet, or interact with other people?

i dont watch the news, or read it on the internet, and the people i know dont really give a shit to talk about it. its just 33 people dead. come talk to me when its like 10k or 100k

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