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Daxis's Poems and Misc

~This one has no name- I made this as an intro poem for a game of mine~
"As I walk on the virgin snow,
Life's lament does call out to me...

The tears that continue to flow,
I cannot answer with lies...

Madness begets madness,
Sorrow begets sorrow,
Neverending, it is,
The cycle we refuse to see...

As the chains of fate that bind us break,
Forever changed, the eyes of destiny,
We are eternally bound,
Crossroads of unreality...

I cannot perceive,
Why the lies never end...

To think,
That the absence of light does mean darkness..

Begin again in shadow's creed."

~Another Shitty Poem called Death~
the hand ever reaching,
the amaranth ever white
the lover you hold so dear,
the eyes of perfect indefference.

Pale horse ever coming,
Is life truly such a blight?
Ghastly shaman and seeing seer,
Does he come once called hence?

the blade ever beseeching,
The raven speaks, what a sight,
Love and fear, love and fear,
I dance the macabre danse.

Momento Mori,
for it does not come.
It is already here.
Personally, I only liked the first verse. I made this simply to make something emo and depressing

How shallow this world does be,
in its wishes for better days.
A requiem for the dead to live again,
the image of a fallen fey.
I made this on the bus on the way to school, added the last line later at school. Even without the title, it's a bit obvious, right?

"Do you remember the times when we tried to fly?
Our wishes to be?
Our lullabies?

Do you remember the song that will never ever end,
Our star scattered sea,
Our wishes we send.

Is the sky really there?
The wind rushes through my hair.
How lond do we have, how do we fare?
Is it true?
Do you not care?"
Again, I find I liked only the first verse. Everything else is so freaking forced... and the rhyming also sucks. I made the first verse for another game project but... the rest is a bit too much.

I lie in the dark dead with no tears to be crying die try understanding why did you do it why truth my conception is hidden truth a lie
I freaking love this one. Add commas, periods, and general punctuation where you wish ;)

~Various quotes I made(pretty sure)~
"Even dogs bury their own shit."

The meaning of life is to reproduce. That's it. You know I'm right. So let's reproduce."

"Just because you say there is a reason for everything, that doesn't mean that the reason has to be good, bad, or even make sense."

"For something to exist, there must be an opposite. For you to be happy, someone must be sad. For someone to be rich, there must be someone poor. For light to exist, shadows must be cast. For love, there must be hate."

"At least hate shows you cared."

"Knowledge is ancestral sin."
Note: Compare that quote with the fact that ignorance is a sin.

"There is no good or evil. Everything is a opinion. That's the one, universal truth."

"Truth is a conception of someone's mind."

"Why does all legends about origins begin with shadows and darkness, with nothingness and void?!!?! Why the hell can't the world begin with bunnies, rainbows, and sunshine?!?!?!"


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