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Dane Cook's a douche...

Since once again I don't know if this topic will get closed. Move it or close it if its wrong Mods! Thanks in advance!  :thumb:

Anyways I want to start a topic/debate/discussion because I feel that if you're going to be a comedian then you at least should be funny. Which Dane Cook fails to do on countless levels. He even makes Carlos Mencia look somewhat competent and he's just downright horrid at his "job".

Dane Cook is a douche and fails as a comedian. I can't begin to fathom what people see in him and why the keep giving him money to tell "jokes" if you can even call them that...

Good Luck Chuck's only highlight was the fact that Alba was in it. And I could barely stand to stomach it just knowing that Cook was the main focus of it. Knowing that I would have to listen to his overly-ego'd voice and stomach down his horrid fails at causing laughter.

He deserves to be shot [[in the ass]] or at least stripped of his right to be able to tell comedy forever.

I'm more than certain there are some people on here who are bound to be Cook fans so defend his honor and convert this nay sayer into a believer!

And just to mix things up Dave Chapelle is the best. Hands down.


And to make it even better I'm going to ask who you think you is the best comedian. Be they dead or alive.

Of course this is more of a discussion based off of opinions...
[[or close this topic if its unjust grounds for a discussion.]]
side B: its about the delivery not the material
side A: but he sucks at that too
side B: oh yeah lol cheers
I had no idea he stole other people's jokes!
Hah he's just as bad as Carlos Mencia who also steals the jokes from the guy who hosts Fear Factor. I mean c'mon now how low can you get?

But wow I had no idea of that.

But who do you think is a valid and good comedian by todays standards?
i hate it when people try to tell others what is funny.

my favorite comedian, without a doubt, is michael ian black. then david cross, brian posehn, and dov davidoff.



michael ian black is funny (and hot)
stephen lynch has some good stuff
gabriel iglesias is def better than carlos mencia (whose name isn't even CARLOS, he changed his name to sound more 'authentic' which is lame - his name is ned.)
Commander Wyatt":azffvc0e said:
All American comedians suck, so I agree with this thread

Not true.

Dave Chapelle is solid. George Lopez is pretty damn funny as well. I've never heard of Michael Ian Black and Ned. Lol wow thats incredibly lame.


Gabriel sucks ass too.
Pablo Francisco is where its at!
Hey, Dane Cook is the shit. And how do you know he steals other peoples jokes? I've never heard anyone else say the jokes that he says. Someone else could of stole his joke and used it on their stand up. No telling.

And the dude off Fear factor's name is Joe Rogan. He is a hilarious fuck too. I have a whole thing of his Stand up on my iPod. David Chapelle is another good one also even though I haven't heard a lot of his stuff (Not including his movies, I have seen them)

But yeah. Trying to convince someone that something else isn't funny is not going to get anywhere because everyone has different tastes. Like British people have Monty python (Which I think is funny aswell) and.....-thinks- I forgot his name...I think it starts with a D....Anyway. Everyone has different tastes.
You can tell he does because he sucks. If someone with actual "talent" told them they'd probably be hilarious. But since Cook feels the need to try and "make" funny he fails in every aspect of it.

Joe Rogan is his name. Good looking out. I've only seen the interview where he was next to Mencia and they were having a laugh off and he whopped his ass.

Cook isn't funny. He never will be so he should quit while he still sucks. Based off of the fact that Des said he steals his shit is base enough. Des is a very smart man and most of his words are either based off of reality or experience.

The guy who played Borat is funnier than Dane Cook and I couldn't stand Ali G. I'm not going to try to spell his name but I know its Sascha bara choen or whatever. There are far better people than Cook and while true that different people have tastes of different nature the fact of the matter is if its not funny its just not funny. Which describes Cook in almost every way possible.

EDIT: While I was typing moog just summed it up. Lol
Dane Cook sucks because it's not popular to like him anymore.
C'mon people, he was popular to like in the 90s, but you gotta keep up! Nowadays we chastise him and berate anything he does because that's what everybody else does.
I don't really like him, but there's a couple things I've heard from him that was funny though. Only a couple...

I think the reason people like him so much is just because he swears a lot.lol. He thinks he's all bad-ass because he swears every other line, and people are like,"WWWooooowww!!! He's my HERO!!"...

Him and Carlos Mencia both suck big harry dong. They're both just stuck up money whores. It's extremely annoying, because there on T.V all the time. I swear, tommorow, I'll turn on the television, and Dane Cook will just be doing an advertisment for how to prevent passing genital herpies to others, or some stupid shit like that.

I don't know if there's such a thing as pop comedians, but if there was, they'de be in that category.

Comedians I like a lot are Jack Black, Stephen Lynch, Brian Posehn, and Lewis Black.

And if nobody has seen this, I recommend you watch it, it's hilarious.



Dont get me started on Carlos mencia gaaaahh hes so fucking awful.

I dont get the big hype over lewis black either, he just seems like some old constipated fuck whos on his rags 24/7
Dane Cook mostly steals from Louie C.K, who is funny but needs to work on his delivery. The sad thing is that it's the exact same jokes, except Dane Cook is just really loud and repeats the punch line.

Cook is also known to steal from Demetri Martin occasionally. Cook once again is just louder.

He's also been known to steal from Steve Martin, but most people do anyways.

I personally don't find Rogan all that funny, unless he's smashing a Heckler.

I remember when Dane Cook and Lewis Black and Kevin James just came out and everybody loved them (this was the late 90s 97-99 when he was first active.) People in the comedian circuit liked him for his delivery. This continued until Comedy Central started playing his shit all the fucking time in 2005 and then everybody hated him.

Stealing jokes is wrong, and that's simply not excusable, but my problem is that most people I know that hate him used to like him. These are people who bought his early cds, or traded live recordings, like his Jaws sketch. These people now all hate him because everyone else hates him, and there's no reason except "Jesus Christ he annoys me, so he must annoy everyone else."

Some comedians yell a lot, their delivery is entertaining to me. Dane Cook hasn't been funny since 1998, but I did like his delivery. It's not because he swears, but because he jumps up and down, rips off his shirt, covers himself in Dasani water and then runs into the crowd and starts humping a woman's head.

Is it lowbrow humor yes, but it makes me laugh, y'know. And really that's what counts.

Lewis Black also hasn't been too good since his 90s stuff about Clinton, but when he's mad he sounds exactly like my father, and it makes me laugh. Carlos Mencia I was never too into, but I do have a Puerto Rican friend who likes him (or liked him, until it became unpopular to like Carlos Mencia.)

Perhaps in my small circle of friends things are different, but I know a lot of people who get swept up in the politics of stand-up. Really, it's like music. I don't like Dragonforce, but I don't make troll posts about them just because I don't like it. There's a point where you go from disliking something, to actively seeking it out to hate it.

Y'know, I make fun of anime otaku a lot, and anime, but at least when I get sarcastic and scathing I have some valid reasons. Most anime are copies of earlier series because Japanese culture is resistant to change. Anime might seem new and original, but it's only the strangeness of its origin that causes it to appear like it has some kind of worthwhile quality. They just do things different from us.

Saying something sucks just because you don't like it, and willingly as a troll. That's just wrong, unless it's really fucking funny. And Makasu's post just isn't funny. Phage's was, but Makasu you have to try harder at being a better troll. I'm disappointed with you.

P.S. ALL comedians steal from Bill Cosby

I dont get the big hype over lewis black either, he just seems like some old constipated fuck whos on his rags 24/7

I like him because he has a lot of political jokes that are funny because they're so true. I don't really like his show on comedy central, where he's a judge(I forget what it's called), but he still has some good material.
I also think it's funny how he gets all hyped up and pist whenever he's talking about certain subjects. It makes me feel all giggly inside.  :lol:

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