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D&D Database Editor for RMXP

D&D Database Editor for RPG Maker XP

Download available here (via MediaFire) => Pre-Alpha Release Version

Here is a project I have been working on for the last few months. It is the one I concentrated on during NaGaDeMo.

What is it? It is a recreation of RMXP's built in Database Editor, but modified to support Dungeons & Dragons material. This will then be used to edit the database of any rmxp project to use the D&D rules to create a balanced game. After I finish this, My next step is to create the scripts for a game itself to utilize the new database. I am looking for some critique on what I have so far and so am releasing this pre-alpha version. Currently the only tabs that have any "real" content are the Test and Credits tabs. The Test tab can be used to test the features and functions so far implemented. The Credits tab lists the names of those who deserve credit for this project, as well as the terms of use for this version.

Here are a couple of screenshots:

The Test Tab:

The Credits Tab, showing the Terms of Use:

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