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Cycle through status effects

One thing I find annoying about RMXP is that if you have more than 2 status effects, for example, let's say Poison, Resist, Shell, Dazzle, and Bloodlust, it only displays one or two status effects under the player's name. For example, it may say [Poison, Resist] and you would have no way of knowing that you also have Shell, Dazzle, and Bloodlust. I know it would be virtually impossible to get all the names to fit, so I have an idea. How about making it so that it cycles through status effects, like this:

Begin Loop
  Display [Poison, Resist]
  Wait 10 frames
  Display [Shell, Dazzle]
  Wait 10 frames
  Display [Bloodlust]
  Wait 10 frames
End Loop
I think Final Fantasy 7 does something like that.

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