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Cyberbullying Public Service Announcement

It not only happens in forums or IMing, but it can also happen within internet based games like Runescape or MapleStory or whatever. In fact, some punk on MapleStory was trying to bully me because I was complaining over an enemy that murdered me. On there, blocking or putting that person on my blacklist didn't work, since they kept me on their list and pretty much tracked me regardless of what channel I went to. They decided to Channel Change right after I do just to be a jerk and try to bully me more by kill stealing (KSing as it is called on there) anywhere I went to gain experience. I would even go to an area that gave little experience to him but reasonable for me, and he followed to further bully me.

My point, this discussion seems to only say that E-Bullying is a forum/IM only thing, but it spans to all online games too. In fact, anything where you can say something in the world wide web, there is always going to be cyber bullies lurking. No ad campaign is going to reduce it. In fact, it just may cause a small recession to lead up to a sharp spike in this problem. That money could easily be spent on things that would actually help us (I.E. pay off our excessive national debt in the good old U.S. of A., or actually provide half decent support for the economy and help keep jobs here...ect...)
its not the assholes on the internet that are the problem. it's the little kiddies that let the assholes on the internet get to them. so what, some dude 500 miles away from you made fun of you in some way.. who gives a fuck? It's the fucking internet, make fun of him in return, then go do something else. it's not that serious, people.

as for the whole deal with jackasses in online games.. you know you can file complaints with the games administrators, and whatnot, right? Or better yet, just put the damn game down for a while.. he probably wont be on when you play next time.

there's my cliche response to this subject.
I'm amused that this thread seems to have attracted most of the members likely to be accused of "cyber-bullying." That said, I'm inclined to agree with their comments.

A goofy awareness campaign created by parents won't do much except make a few other parents paranoid about their kids on the internet. They're simply too out of touch with the sensibilities of the generation below them to really connect and make some sort of difference.

Then again, it may be futile regardless. Bullying in any venue of life is a sad reality. There's just something about human nature that makes some seek satisfaction at the expense of others. As long as there are schools, there will be bullies. And as long as there's an internet, there will be nihilistic jerks who have willfully disengaged themselves from the real world and instead seek satisfaction in the constant, needless, provoking of others.
I personally feel that people need to stop taking what people on the internet say so seriously. You don't really even know whether the person saying shit really means it, and it's not like you could pop out of the monitor and beat up whoever insulted you.
Volrath said:
Then again, it may be futile regardless. Bullying in any venue of life is a sad reality. There's just something about human nature that makes some seek satisfaction at the expense of others. As long as there are schools, there will be bullies. And as long as there's an internet, there will be nihilistic jerks who have willfully disengaged themselves from the real world and instead seek satisfaction in the constant, needless, provoking of others.

Well said.

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