I just remembered that this isn't the latest version, expect an update later that's even cooler when I can figure out where I put my usb drive. That's the problem with posting scripts 8 months after you make them. 
SG Cutscene Skip
Version: 1
An old script I'd like to see used more often, allows players to skip cutscenes in your game.
Script goes somewhere above main, under the other default scripts.
SG_CutsceneSkip_Image = false
SG_CutsceneSkip_Image = 'skip'
Put a file name into this line (see example above) if you'd like an image to be shown during cutscenes. The image would be loaded from your Titles directory and needs transparency/possibly full resulation as it shows at 0x0.
SG_CutsceneSkip_TestOnly = false
Set this to true if you only want skipping enabled in playtest mode.
SG_CutsceneSkip_Key = Input::A
Change this line if you'd like a different button set to skip. Input::A is the shift key.
This script also requires adding call scripts before & after your cutscenes.
Place this when your cutscene starts:
Place this when your cutscene ends:
Please TEST this yourself by skipping your scenes, every single one of them you add it to. There may be oddities depending on which event commands you use! If it doesn't work right, don't let people skip that scene or stop the skipping part before the conflicting area.
Near the bottom of the script you can also add different sounds & a neato skipped transition if you want.
The script currently should ignore move route delays, show text, wait for move completion, map change transitions & wait. Have not tested with SDK 2+. Skimming through it move routes may be flawed a bit depending on what commands you used in it, I'll update that area eventually.
Really, really long events skipped may require an edit. I'll post how to do this if it ever comes up.
1 - Commercial licensing is available: $5 for the average person, $25 if you have a high quality game which will be on major portal sites or in stores. Please wait to see if there's any new bugs first though - this script wasn't mass publicly available before & I probably made it while half asleep. Any $ spent this way will go towards people who've spent long hours working on free games I liked asking for donations, the Master of the Wind folks first.
2 - You can release any enhanced versions of this script as long as you attempt to fix any bugs that crop up, keep me in the credits (& say that it was based/edited on my original script), and freely allow people who've licensed the script to use your added features commercially.
I won't be adding new things unless someone with a license wants a change, however I'll try to give support if you run into problems. New features can easily be added yourself if you know how to script the interpreter area.
SG Cutscene Skip
Version: 1
An old script I'd like to see used more often, allows players to skip cutscenes in your game.
- Effect changes & move routes will still happen even if the cutscene is skipped
- Optional settings for playtest mode only & showing an image when a scene can be skipped
# ** SG Cutscene Skip
# sandgolem
# Version 1
# 5.02.07
SG_CutsceneSkip_Image = false
SG_CutsceneSkip_Key = Input::A
SG_CutsceneSkip_TestOnly = false
if Object.const_defined?('SDK')
SDK.log('SG Cutscene Skip', 'sandgolem', 1, '5.02.07')
@sg_cutsceneskip_disabled = true if !SDK.state('SG Cutscene Skip')
@sg_cutsceneskip_disabled = true if SG_CutsceneSkip_TestOnly && !$DEBUG
if !@sg_cutsceneskip_disabled
class Game_Temp
attr_accessor :sg_cutscene
attr_accessor :sg_skipcutscene
class Game_Character
attr_accessor :move_route_index
attr_accessor :move_speed
attr_accessor :sg_cs_oldthrough
attr_accessor :sg_cs_oldmovespeed
attr_accessor :through
attr_accessor :wait_count
attr_accessor :sg_csmove_skipping
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_moving, :moving?
def moving?
return false if @sg_csmove_skipping
return sandgolem_cutsceneskip_moving
class Interpreter
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com101, :command_101
def command_101
sg = sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com101
if $game_temp.sg_skipcutscene
@message_waiting = false
$game_temp.message_text = nil
return sg
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com106, :command_106
def command_106
@wait_count = 0 if $game_temp.sg_skipcutscene
return true
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com201, :command_201
def command_201
sg = sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com201
$game_temp.transition_processing = false if $game_temp.sg_skipcutscene
return sg
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com209, :command_209
def command_209
return if !$game_temp.sg_skipcutscene
character = get_character(@parameters[0])
if character != nil
sg = @parameters[1].list.size
character.sg_csmove_skipping = true
character.sg_cs_oldmovespeed = character.move_speed
character.sg_cs_oldthrough = character.through
character.through = true
character.move_speed = 5000
for i in 0...sg
character.move_route_index += 1
character.wait_count = 0
case @parameters[1].list[i].code
when 29
character.move_speed = 5000
character.sg_cs_oldmovespeed = @parameters[1].list[i].parameters[0]
when 37
character.sg_cs_oldthrough = true
when 38
character.through = true
character.sg_cs_oldthrough = false
character.through = character.sg_cs_oldthrough
character.move_speed = character.sg_cs_oldmovespeed
character.sg_csmove_skipping = nil
return true
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_com210, :command_210
def command_210
@move_route_waiting = false if $game_temp.sg_skipcutscene
return true
class Scene_Map
alias_method :sandgolem_cutsceneskip_update, :update
def update
if $game_temp.sg_cutscene && Input.trigger?(SG_CutsceneSkip_Key)
$game_temp.sg_skipcutscene = true
if $game_temp.message_text
def sg_cutscene
$game_temp.sg_cutscene = Sprite.new
if SG_CutsceneSkip_Image
$game_temp.sg_cutscene.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(SG_CutsceneSkip_Image)
def sg_cutsceneend
$game_temp.sg_cutscene.dispose if $game_temp.sg_cutscene
$game_temp.sg_cutscene = nil
return if !$game_temp.sg_skipcutscene
$game_temp.transition_processing = true
$game_temp.transition_name = ""
$game_temp.sg_skipcutscene = nil
class Interpreter
def sg_cutscene
def sg_cutsceneend
Script goes somewhere above main, under the other default scripts.
SG_CutsceneSkip_Image = false
SG_CutsceneSkip_Image = 'skip'
Put a file name into this line (see example above) if you'd like an image to be shown during cutscenes. The image would be loaded from your Titles directory and needs transparency/possibly full resulation as it shows at 0x0.
SG_CutsceneSkip_TestOnly = false
Set this to true if you only want skipping enabled in playtest mode.
SG_CutsceneSkip_Key = Input::A
Change this line if you'd like a different button set to skip. Input::A is the shift key.
This script also requires adding call scripts before & after your cutscenes.
Place this when your cutscene starts:
Place this when your cutscene ends:
Please TEST this yourself by skipping your scenes, every single one of them you add it to. There may be oddities depending on which event commands you use! If it doesn't work right, don't let people skip that scene or stop the skipping part before the conflicting area.
Near the bottom of the script you can also add different sounds & a neato skipped transition if you want.
The script currently should ignore move route delays, show text, wait for move completion, map change transitions & wait. Have not tested with SDK 2+. Skimming through it move routes may be flawed a bit depending on what commands you used in it, I'll update that area eventually.
Really, really long events skipped may require an edit. I'll post how to do this if it ever comes up.
1 - Commercial licensing is available: $5 for the average person, $25 if you have a high quality game which will be on major portal sites or in stores. Please wait to see if there's any new bugs first though - this script wasn't mass publicly available before & I probably made it while half asleep. Any $ spent this way will go towards people who've spent long hours working on free games I liked asking for donations, the Master of the Wind folks first.
2 - You can release any enhanced versions of this script as long as you attempt to fix any bugs that crop up, keep me in the credits (& say that it was based/edited on my original script), and freely allow people who've licensed the script to use your added features commercially.
I won't be adding new things unless someone with a license wants a change, however I'll try to give support if you run into problems. New features can easily be added yourself if you know how to script the interpreter area.