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Custom Mission Select Screen

I need the following, a screen called on comand (via call script) where you can select a Mission from the ones "active" (via switch or flag). Once a mission has been selected then a switch activates that informs that certain mission is selected.
Well the idea is that certain mission only appears after other missions have been completed, or certain NPC met in mission.

I'd like it to look like this:
http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m112 ... enIdea.png[/IMG]

Left side: Here is the List of Available and Completed Missions
Mission Name: Is the Name of the missions actives and selectables
Completed: Completed Missions display it's name greyed out (Via switch or flag)
. . . : Missions not yet available

Right Side: Info Window about currently highlighted Mission
Selected Mission Name: The Name of the Mission
Mission Info: About 3-4 lines of text with info about the mission
OPTIONAL PICTURE: I'd like to add a small picture (around the size of a faceset) with something about the mission. It could go in graphics/pictures.
If it's to dificult, then just skip it.
Accept Mission? -Yes-No-: This is the part where you select if you want the mission, if YES, then a switch activates, so you can go to the "Teleport Room" (or something like that) and it knows where to send you. If NO, then just go back to the mission list.
Oh! i forgot in the picture, a "QUIT" button, to get out the screen.

Things i'd like it to have besides:
Selectable Font and Size: I don't want it to have the default font i use for other texts and Menu. Since it's suposed to be a computer, i want to use a "System" font (you know, that very pixelated ones)
Modificable Texts: For mission names, info, and that...
Compatibility: I'm using a custom menu, so i'd like it not to mess with the menu, being completly independant, and only called on command. In theory you have to "use" a computer that has the mission info, so i want this screen to appears when you use the computer.

I hope someone takes this one... it maybe usefull for someone else besides me... and understand my babblings...

Thanks (Obviously credits will go ingame for whoever makes this)
Tara Tara Tararara Tara Tara Tararara Bump-Man...
Please, someone?
It's just a scene, independent from others and mostly dependant on switches... if i knew rgss to that extent i'll do it myself (I think in a year, i'll be close to do it myself, but don't want to wait that long)
Even if you ask something in return, i'll work my best to compensate... (within my limited resources, but unlimited willpower...)
Well, thanks to whoever reads...
Okeeey... that doesn't make it.
That's a QUEST script.
Its tell you what you need to do to acomplish a mission given by a certain NPC.

I need a MISSION script, to say, a script that creates and advanced QUEST GIVER to the player. It shows things like where its develop, what enemies you may find, and more than other, gives you the choice to take the mission.
See, it's not the same. I could even use the two scripts.
First you select the mission in the MISSION SCREEN, and then its objetives gets actualized in the QUEST screen.
Think of it as a Briefing, and the quest scene as a in-mission reminder.
(Think FF Tactics Advance Mission Select Screen, but simplier)

Well, anyway, i'll wait for JonAmes to see who it ends... (i hope goood)

PS: I just post this, so people who reads, don't think "Oh! this is solved, they find what he needed" and then leave. Still not solved, but already have someone willing to make it. But as i've said, lot's of games could benefit from this, so anyone is invited to help.

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