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Custom Credits Script

Hello All,
I have searched the forums for a good credits script, yet none of them have exactly what I'm looking for.

The type of Credits Script I want is one that scrolls of course. But in addition, the background should be black, I am assuming I will use a PNG of font to use with a transparent background to scroll up the screen. As well I am wanting atleast 10-12 pictures to fade in and out at random places. If you have ever seen or played Kingdom Hearts, I'm pretty sure it shows screenshots of events in the game that happened or should have happened. I want to go for that effect. The pictures should fade in, sit there for about 5 seconds and then fade out, wait about 2 seconds, then fade in another picture and repeat the process.
As well in the credits I would like it to be playing a background song to accompany the pictures and text.

Thank you in advance, if you need any more information or have questions, please feel free to ask. I will check back frequently.
Just wanted to point out this COULD be done with events, I know how to do it (as I am using it in my game) if you would like to see it done with event post here and tell me and I will post it for you. (I don't want to post all that if you require it be done with scripts.)
I'm going to decline the offers of event based, because if I really wanted to do it with events, I'd have done it already... The reason I asked for a script, is because I want a script, otherwise I wouldn't be posting a request for this kind of script. I'm not trying to sound mean, but if I really wanted a tutorial on how to do something I could do with my 3 years experience already with RMXP I'd ask in the tutorial section of RMXP.org.

So thank you, but no thank you, I'll just continue to see if anyone wants to pick this script up, It would make a nice piece for any game and allow it to be customizable to the game maker.
I just really don't think anyone is going to go and make you a script for SHOWING PICTURES. o__________O But yeah, I understand, it's terribly difficult to do anything more than copy & paste a script into the editor.
I didn't ask for flaming, I should report you. I asked for more than just showing pictures, I really don't feel like fighting over something so childish as this. I asked for a script to have it blend better with my game, not for an easy fix.
Axerax;188368 said:
I didn't ask for flaming, I should report you. I asked for more than just showing pictures, I really don't feel like fighting over something so childish as this. I asked for a script to have it blend better with my game, not for an easy fix.

He isn't flaming you, he's pointing out that what you want is a time-consuming effort that can be solved in a much faster and easier way. And no you shouldn't report him, because he's just trying to help. YOU need to stop being an ignorant fool and stop pretending that you are too good for help.
Go for it, I'm not flaming. <_< I just fail to see how a script that does EXACTLY the same thing with 10x the work is any different from an event with a couple of show/move picture commands <_____<; Oh, but that's right, it's easier for YOU because you don't have to do anything. And that's the reason why nobody has made a script for showing (and moving) a couple of pictures >_>;
Well I've already objected to doing this through events, please stop trolling the thread about this, it is getting old, I'll have a moderator delete all the uneeded complaint posts, I simply asked for a script that is it.
I realize they are trying to help, but I don't want an event system, the effect of this credits script is not possible through events, you can't fade a picture out and in behind another transparent text picture layer that is scrolling, and have these pictures fade in and out randomly on the screen, I don't want them in any specific locations. You can't randomize pictures like that with events, it would take an eternity to get it to do that effect. It is 10x easier through scripting trust me.

Besides at the top of this forum it says exactly this:
Script Requests This is the place to ask for people to make you scripts. Please be detailed and polite. Wait at least 72 hours before bumping.

I have been polite and detailed enough. I've waited 72 hours before bumping, and i'm looking for a "script" not an event system.

Thank you for your concern, but I want a script, nothing else.
Actually, yeah, you can, easily. <___<
3 years of RMXP you say, and you still don't know anything about variables or pictures? :/
Set 2 variables to a random number, show and move the picture from 0 opacity to 255 and back with those variables.
For the scrolling text, show a pictures, and have it move up off the screen with a long frame number. With a script, you would have to set the x/y of the scrolling picture, as well as the opacity of each of the fading images, MANUALLY FOR EACH FRAME. <_____<
Yes, you can make script requests in the script request forum. But when your request is something so blindingly easy to do in events, nobody is going to make a script for it. It's not even an 'event system', its 2 event commands for the scrolling text, and like 4 for each picture ffs <_<
I can make your credits script, but please post some pictures of how you want it, as I have no idea how is the KH's one
You may want to explain it more, so it'll be easier to me.
Slipknot;188422 said:
I can make your credits script, but please post some pictures of how you want it, as I have no idea how is the KH's one
You may want to explain it more, so it'll be easier to me.

Thank you. I will try to get a picture of the Kingdom Hearts credits for you, if you give me a few minutes I'll do a google search for some and post them up here for you. Thank you for taking up the request, first breath of fresh air i've heard since I made this thread, I've had to repeat my self several times, but people like to complain, oh well. Again, thank you... as well I will provide a better explination of the script when I post the pictures for you.

Axerax does not want a event based system for this. It is his chioce. He declined the offer rather nicely and was sort of attacked for this.

You guys made your point, but Axerax does not want an event based system. There is no reason to debate over it. Just knock it off and move on.
I could not find a very good example. So I took it into my own hands to create an example of what I want. Just remember that it has to have a background music going as well, but I can't display that in a picture, I hope this explains it more. The middle picture is fading out, the bottom right one is fading in, and the top left is a picture already there. If you can make them be rotated as well that would be awesome. Everything else should be explained in the picture. If you need to contact me I have an AIM/MSN AIM: Axerax MSN: mikemilius@gmail.com Screenname is Axerax there as well. As well note that Test = Text, my X key gets stuck -_- and Boarder should be Border.
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b347/ ... xample.png[/IMG]
Thank you so much,

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