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Custom Battler! WIP now taking requests!

@Desecration - Thanks, i might try the other hand.

@Ynlraey - I'll see what i can do about the bandana, It's just kind of hard to get an exact wind movement like this, but i'll see if i can at least make it less noticeable. thanks for pointing it out though.

@Dr. Winston O'Boogie - I'm using only Photoshop CS2 is there a way to make sure there is no interpolation using photoshop?

thanks everyone, i'll keep workin on him tomorrow.
In my opinion, the character should go into battle without his hand on fire and then use a certain spell and then his hand ignites.
gratheo":223amkv7 said:
Re: interpolation
Always resize to 200% using the Nearest Neighbour scaling method.
I'm still a little confuzed with this... what would you consider the Nearest Neighbour scaling method?

Angeliex":223amkv7 said:
In my opinion, the character should go into battle without his hand on fire and then use a certain spell and then his hand ignites.
I guess I can see what you mean, but also that would mean I would have to make a whole extra pose. And at least for now I'll keep it in mind but I think I'll leave it like this for now.
thanks though.
You need more contrast in a huge way. I've done a horrible edit to show you what I mean:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/ ... medude.png[/imgzoom]

Right now it just looks really flat; you need to use stronger tones to define the shape. Also, red and black is a very cliche color combination, but that aside, your red is very saturated; pick a duller one and it'll look less cartoony. As Grath or someone pointed out, HK has great palettes. I'd also recommend picking a gray that's slightly tinted, as it looks much better than 0 saturation.

I don't like the flame. It's painfully obvious you drew it on with an anti-aliased brush and probably smudged it around, and it looks really out of place on pixel art. The shape of the battler is otherwise very solid, but if you really want a flame, I'd recommend actually pixeling it.

By the way, nearest neighbor refers to one of the resizing algorithms in Photoshop. In the Image Size box, there's a drop-down menu at the bottom where you can select the resampling method used.
I do like the way the colors are on your little edit, but the flame in yours looks terrible, I took quite a bit of time doing this flame, and had a few people look over it to make sure it looks good. I like the way my flame looks compared to the one in that edit. Mine looks real.
I do really like the way the weapon and the bandana and pants look in your edit though, so i will change the contrast in mine a bit to do something like that.
But for now,
Here is the latest thing on my battler.
I decided that it wasn't fluid enough, like you could tell when it repeated itself... Sooo, I decided to make my battlers with 6 frames poses instead of the normal 4 frames.
So here is the idle 6 frame pose as a GIF.

Yeah, I didn't do anything to the flame; the black edge is because I did it in Paint, and Paint likes to render transparency as black, so now it's hideous. :P It was just a side note that you should pixel it instead of doing it in PS. I mean, you don't *have* to if you'd rather have it like that, but it's not consistent and looks a bit weird. Anyway, I'll draw a flame to show you what I mean if you have a version of your battler without the flame already there, but I didn't feel like editing it all out.
Also, try to be more economic with your use of color. Right now you have like 50 colors that are almost exactly the same; try instead to use a small number of colors with high contrast. It makes it a lot easier to do palette swaps and is neater and crisper.
I only used three shades of red, three shades of black and three shades of grey, and three shades of skin color throughout his whole body.
I guess they are pretty close colors though so it kinda looks like more.

Anyway here is a link to my box account with the .psd file and the .png file. the second pose doesnt have the flames.
PSD - http://www.box.net/shared/sb5ptu2rru
PNG - http://www.box.net/shared/juugv6hotj

*EDIT*I have started on another character for my game i only have one frame done right now, so I made a group picture.



hey lost_in_exsistence,
  I'm finally going to put in a request (yay I'm the first one =D)
   Okay first of all I need a male hero. his name is Rei and he's a swordsman trained in martial arts and sword skills. He has red-orange hair that is slightly long (the longest strands are over his eyes but not too many are). He wears a crimson jacket, black pants, and shoulder armor that is silver. He wields a broadsword and a short ninja sword(he doesnt use it just carries it) and most of his techniques have to do with the sword. Rei is around 20 years old and has a lean build (not over muscled but not as thin as stick).

The second and third are twins. Their names are gale and terra (both females) They have blond hair that is semi long. Terra has blue eyes while gale has blue eyes. Both of them are mages (terra being a healing silver mage and gale being a damaging onyx mage). Terra wields a fencing sword and rod (she uses the fencing sword to fight and the rod to cast spells). Gale wields a katana and carries a wooden staff (she fights with the katana and casts spells with the staff). The difference between the two of them is that terra is calmer and more quiet and kinder than gale. gale is kinda out-going (not crazy), has an seductive side, and is more brutal when fighting. In a way, gale acts some what older than terra. They dont really realize that they are twins ( they aren't exactly identical but look a little the same). Terra wears a blue dress while gale wears a white coat that goes down to right above her knees.

okay thats three of them. tell me if you need more info.
I would like to ask for a request.....

well i need a male fighter/warrior his name is Croix he has different attacks mostly slashes. His Hair is Orange with white stripes in it he has fairly long hair. His Clothes are Black Cloak with orange shirt and Forest Green jeans.  He just have a sword later he finds a syth so if possible both please He is about 17 years old Average body type.

Second i need his partner Greg he is a warrior/assassin his attack are stealthy and focus on agility. he has Green hair Dark green and has a cloth over his eye yea its over done oh well  fairly short not to short like half and half his clothes are Warriors armor dark Greyish blue and black cape.    has a long sword longer than normal swords. hes about 20 average body.

thank you for your time
thank you for doing this if you say yes             

The hat moves weird specially the upper yellow part
And why is the person moving the hammer like that and it's big unless he has super strength but still maybe if you put momentum(? or will weight be more proper?) like have two hands holding it and see that he struggles to carry or something that'll be more realistic since his anatomy doesn't look like the type to hold big hammers ;P
Deadlycraft - I will take your requests but I wont do them until I'm finished with SND15's requests.

Ynlraey - That guy is pretty much a prototype, basically I put him up to see if that type of character would look good, thanks for the advice though, maybe two hands would look a bit more... real. lol

*edit* SND15 - here is the very first frame of the first pose. let me know what you think of him, tell me if anything needs to be changed
Ok, now that you've seen him, i need a few more details now, what color do you want his eyes, and how would you like to see him move, His idle pose.



Okay its looking so far but can u make if make him hold the sword with two hands and make his hair more orange. Also, can his hair be up to his shoulders? Sorry for the changes
okay now for that info
-his eyes are red
-for his idle pose, I'd like him to just stand and maybe you could put some action with him holding the sword (room for artistic creativity)
-I'd like the other sword (the ninja sword) to be slinged to the right side like a samurai's katana in its holder.
-for his jacket, I'd like the edge of opening (most likely where it would be zippered if it had one) to have a gold or silver edge. which ever color looks better
-I'd like the hair to have some more shading if possible. Take a look at dollmage's sprites if u want an example.

Thats all for now. Sorry for the trouble. Just post if you need anymore info
http://img6.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads ... 95e976.png[/imgzoom]
Try copying and pasting this into your posts:

By the looks of this one, it looks like you are just giving it a gradient (I don't mean actually using the gradient tool, but rather shading big portions with one color and using significantly darker colors as you move further down). Doing that will just make it look more like a plastic, paper-weight image than an actual human. You should look at a few pixel tutorials, like this one or if you need more, go to the helpful tutorials sticky at the top of this subforum.

Edit: It might just be imageshack that isn't working with Imgzoom. Try using Upload House or maybe Photobucket to upload it.
Alright thanks, i'll try uploading there. seems to work for you anyway, so i'll give it a try.

SND15 - Thank you for the response, i'll work on him a bit more when i get back from work, i'll give you an example of both the silver and the gold lining for the jacket and you can choose which is better, it's an easy fix in case i dont like your choice, i can change it a bit for myself.
check back either late tonight or sometime tomorrow.

I Have seen your battlers and I like them. I have a couple of requests for you. I want you to make battlers for these two half kaizers. (I dont want have kaizer battlers though, I like your style :thumb:)

http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z32/ ... nick-1.png[/img]

Some info about them.

The 1st one
weapon: broadsword
Background:Twin of the second one. Serious, gets right to the point, likes to do things alone.
Ready: I want him to be staning there, both arms at his sides with his swords tip facing downwards breathing in and out, as if he is just daring one of his opponents to try something.
Struck: Just a regular struck pose.
Critical: On one knee using his sword to hold himself up.
Block: Brings his left arm up to defend
attack:I want to have him swinging his sword from his his left side with his right hand.
victory: Scratching the back of his head with his left hand.
Magic: Gets into a stance where he is holding his sword with both hands, and his sword is close to his face, then he brings it back down to the standing position.
Running: Just running.
Retreating: Just a jump back.
Item: Raise his left arm in the air.
Dead: Face down with his sword at his side.

The 2nd one
Weapon: Long sword (picture a shorter version of sephiroths sword)
Background:Twin of the first one. Flirtatous, Show off, likes to toy with people.
READY: The Sword is in its sheath on his left side, he is holding the sheath with his left hand, and holding the handle with his right.
STRUCK:Regular Struck pose
CRITICAL: Move down to one knee with his hair in his face.
BLOCK: Brings his arms up in an X shape
RUSH!:Something that looks cocky and fast.
RETREAT : Just a jump back.
ATTACK: Same as the first except he unsheaths his sword
ITEM: Throws his right Arm in the air
SKILL : Unsheaths his sword and point it at the enemy.
VICTORY : Shrugs his shoulders
DEFEAT : Face up with his sword by his side.

I would really appreciate it. If you need any more info, just ask. Thanks!

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