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Custom Battler! WIP now taking requests!

I have turned this thread into a request thread.
Please if you have any request please be as specific as you possibly can, My main goal is to be as detailed in my battlers as I possibly can. That way we are all happy : )
So as far as requests go here is what I will need from you.
1. Description of the character (their background)
2. Hero or Monster (Yeah, I'll do either)
3. The Size (Normal Battler size or bigger doesn't matter to me(just cause I know bosses are bigger monsters))
4. COLORS (I need the colors of everything, Hair, Skin, Shirt, Pants, etc..)
5. Clothing (What is the battler wearing, Shirt, Jacket, Vest, Armor, Pants, etc..)
6. Accessories (Armbands, Rings, Belts, Bandana, Necklace, etc..)
7. Weapon(s) (What kind of weapons is it using if any, if nothing, then tell me that there is no weapon)
8. Effects (What kind of effects should there be in the battler? Fade when moving, Blur effects when attacking, etc..)
9. Just Anything else you think I need to know about the battler.

REQUESTS TAKEN ON as of 09/25/08
1. SND15  -  Rei
2. SND15  -  Gale
3. SND15  -  Terra

http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/8197/redflamesx2ed9.gif[/img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/9514/redflamescp0.gif[/img]<--4 FRAMES--6 FRAMES-->http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2166/redflamessm5.gif[/img]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1180/redflamesx2vc6.gif[/img]
This Battler Is done all by my self and nothing was taken from anyone else.
please let me know if it looks good, and anything i should fix with it.
My inspiration for this guy was from the new game for psp called "Astonishia Story 2"

I can't tell exactly how you got the pose from the template, but, uhh.. Looks good to me. The shading is done very well from what I can see. If I had to make a real criticism, the right arm looks like it might be a little smaller than the left arm, factoring the perspective and such. Try making a little beefier?
haha yeah, i guess that arm is a little smaller, do you think it would look better if i covered that whole arm? (giving him a long sleeve on just that one side) or should i leave it shorter like it is?
pillowshaded very badly. jagged lines

also study anatomy a bit.

i have more to say but i'm not really in the mood now for a long serious critique. but i will say that i'm glad that you're taking an original approach instead of working with a template -- this way you'll learn a lot more. keep going at it. you have a long way to go but it makes me happy to see someone with the balls to make something of their own.
I finished the whole idle pose now and added an animated GIF image, so you can see it moving without saving it to you computer.

How do you add the image zoom thing?
I just tried it, and it didn't work for me, it's like it just kind of erased my picture (until i removed the tags)

so for now i just added a 200% size of the idle pose.


*EDIT* I was just looking at the animated one for a bit.. do you guys think there should be a little bit more leg movement instead of the just up and down?
*SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE POST! It was an accident, can someone merge this to the post above please!*

What I wanted to say is that i have finished the defending pose and the move left move right poses as well, please let me know what you think of them, I am at school right now and I had like 3 hours before my next class so i thought that I would post on here just because.. so I will add the new pictures and GIF's when I get home, should be in about an hour and a half or so.
I'll just edit this post when I upload the new pictures so just keep looking back to see um, and comment on them.

I basically made my own template also, I just lined up all the poses based on my very first pose done that way it will be easier for me, thought i would let you guys know so you don't think that it's all done yet.


*EDIT* I was just thinking about it, and I think I'm going to be done with this guy really soon so I am willing to take a couples requests for now. So I am going to edit this first post to show the requests and the rules of the requests.
1. Pick a different pallet because that one is NOT working for you.
2. Outline the pants but keep them from being too dark.
3. His right foot looks like its backwards maybe?

[Hat Tip]
Other than that pretty good work
[/Hat Tip]
AH, i see now.

Well i updated the first post, i have four poses done and in case you wanted to see um, i posted a normal and a double size of them plus the animated GIF images to see them moving.

please let me know if it's good.

*EDIT* let me know if the colors are better now also.
Dude, with that screen you put up, you change everything.
It's embarassing - I mean, if you're going to rip off another battler, at least a) give credit and b) do it well.
The pose, everything, are exactly the same, albeit less well executed.
If you still want a critique, here it is:

1) Still a horrible palette.
2) You're using jaggies and lining as a replacement for proper shading. Stop it.
3) That magic shield thingy is horribly clashing. Either make it like the sprite, or, preferably, bring the sprite up to that level. Please.
4) Now that you've messed with palettes, I have to say that what shading you DO have is quite honestly horrible.
5) Please, please, always give credit when you do this kinda shit, OK? You had us all excited there for a moment.
hummm, well alright, i'll work on the shading a bit, i thought the shading looked pretty good, i've never really learned to much on shading. I'll see what i can do with it.

How is the shield clashing, I don't get what you mean, could you please explain it a little better?

and as far as credit... I gave all the credits needed, it's all in the first post, right above the screenshot. in case you haven't seen it, It's from a game on the PSP called "Astonishia Story 2" which is not even released in japan yet.

Oh, and I DID NOT RIP THIS OFF!!  I have sat here for a long time doing all of this by hand, one pixel at a time. Yes, he looks like the guy from the game, but I changed it, ALOT, he doesn't even completely stand the same, and that screenshot in the first post is the only picture I have ever seen of him, so all of the animations and poses and other moves that i made for him are all done by me. I don't know how he moves or attacks or defends or anything like that.
If you haven't heard of this game, and have only seen this screenshot on here, then you have seen as much as i have of this guy.
So I don't see how it's "ripping it off" if I'm making everything.

If you still think THAT is ripping it off, then help me out and make a request, and i'll making it from scratch based on your request.
that's what i put it up here for... plus i'm just not all that creative by myself.


*EDIT* Would it be better if i just changed the colors altogether?
here's an example - http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/3221/colorchangeszm2.png[/img]http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/3629/redflamesxs0.gif[/img]
Check it out now, I've completely scrapped the old look of him and stuck with the Red and Black look with the fire.
I decided to give him a weapon as well.
Please let me know if he looks good and please let me know if my weapon looks good or not, i havent done too much with weapons sooo.. yeah

Check the First Post!!!


Lost_in_Exsistance the battler looks very good, nice job. The weapon is a nice addition however you may want to reconsider the flame placement in my opinion. Perhaps closer to the blade of the weapon or possibly on his other hand? Either way nice job and keep at it. 



When you scale sprites, make sure there's no interpolation. If you're using GIMP, pull down the tab and click "None." This way they won't turn all blurry when you resize them.

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