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Custom Battle System, Stats and Movement

I know this is pretty big, probably a starter pack haha.
For those who play World of Warcraft(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft,
and LoTR The Third Age (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Third_Age
this topic will be pretty vague to you, I really suck at scripting... :dead:
The battle system I have in mind is like Charlie Lee's CTB
but is less difficult. Here's a simple thing, if Actor 001 is Active in battle and Actor 002
is in [Knock Out] then Actor 001 well go [Rage], etc. this is just a simple example.
Classes!, classes is what makes up the Battle!, Rogues, Assassins, Thieves use energy
to do special skills, the energy bar is basically yellow, it recovers when the player is Active
and not in use. The bar decreases when a skill decreases, its best to keep the max at 100%.
Stealth is another skill for these three classes but the Battles are RTAB-like, so stealth well
reduces a rogues speed by 65% at lv2, 50% at lv10, 40% at lv48, etc. The opacity well
drop at -70% I estimate but it allows certain skills like Backstab, Incacipitate and Pick Pocket
when a party ambushes the enemy. Another thing is character switcher, lets say Sam (001),
Zenrdy (0002), Ygg (003)is on the battlefield, we're fighting a light monster and im no use,
there should a window to pop-up at a certain key, mainly F11 or ~. It well show Ninjutsu(004),
Seijen (005), <blank>. We pick Seijen, I run off the screen and Seijen enters but it skips his turn.
One more class, the Warrior, this guy uses rage which is initial at 0 and the max is always 100.
It increases at hit-to-enemy and hit-from-enemy and other skills can gain rage too like Blood thirst.
The higher the rage the more the ATK but less Hit Rate%, and also, Rage decreases over time
when the Warrior hasnt used it in 6-12 (game) seconds.
Auras, Group Buffs, Singular Buffs, buffs, buffs, buffs!. Lets say our Party is Me, Ninjutsu and Ygg
and I use the aura "Will of the Mighty" (usually auras' well cost very little or no mana.) and Ninjutsu
Atk well increase from 234 to 264. Another thing in the battle is, for example, Seijen is working for a incantation that is a... "Curse of Death" Potion. You'll see a orange bar slowly developing in his time
gauge, lets say it'll take 25 (Game) seconds. It'll show dialogue as the battle goes, Seijen well move to the back of the group and start, at 55% he'll say "Almost done!", at 90% "Right there!", at 100% percent he'll return to the ranks (rows in battle--->
Row 0: Players who are inactive, not in the party
Row -1(Assassins only): When the enemy is surprised a rogue can pickpocket someone in their ranks
Row 1: Front Row Class +40% Aggro (Threat)
Row 2: Middle Row Class +18% Aggro
Row 3: Back Row Class (Spell Casters, Low PDEF)
Row 4: Long Spells, Incantations, Farest back
Another thing is tree talents that is selected at the menu screen, All classes well have there own talents but require a certain level, there well be 2 points each class. Thre well be 3-4 branches.

I also hope to make some new modes in battle:
Hyper Mode- Limit is filled or Manual Trigger> Press the shown button and press to continue the attack. Zenrdy [Hyper Mode Ready]> Skill: Omnislash> Trianglex3, Square, Circlex2, Up,Down,Left,Up,Downx3,Rightx2,X,Circlex2. Speed of the patterns well increase based on the level and progression of the skills:
Hyper Mode 1> Hell Slash
Hyper Mode 2> Sky BeatDown
Hyper Mode 3> Shuriken Army
This is the shortest of all the topics. Here is the basics stats:

Strength- Increases Atk and Defend% (+0.25% every 5 points)
Agility- Increases Crit and Dodge% (+0.01 every 2 points)
Wisdom- Increases Mana, Increases Weapon Skill Rate (+2 Mana every 4 points [Add 0 at end xx0)
Stamina- Increases HP and slightly Armor (+3 HP every 4 points, +1 Armor every 10 points)
Spirit- This is an ABS, when active the player restore x.xx% of health and mana for every 2 seconds
When players are not active the player restores xx.x% of health and mana for every 18 seconds.
(So the player doesn't leave the com and all his players HP is restored, for every step you take in adventure mode, it well on refill 1.25% of the x.xx% restoration rate. (3 Spirit equals +0.09%RR)

This is an example:
Seijen Level 52
Strength- 146 = +36.5 ATK
Agility- 120 = +1.2% Dodge&Crit
Wisdom- 280 = +700 Mana
Stamina- 182 = +455 HP & +1.8% Armor
Spirit- 236 = restores 21 HP&MP every 2 seconds
Armor- 872 = -8.72% Damage Taken
HP (True)- 2100
MP (True)- 3400
Armor (True)- 872

HP (Enhanced)- 2555
MP (Enhanced)- 4100
Armor (Enhanced)- 1570

traveling is a big thing in the topic.
There is foot traveling, mount traveling, vehicle traveling and teleportations.
Foot traveling is manual as usual. Which I would say is a speed at 2-3 or even 4 based on the leaders Agility.
1 or more Agility=> Speed of 2
125 or more Agility=> Speed of 3
500 or more Agility=> Speed of 4
Sprint skill activated+800 or more agility=> Speed of 5
(Stats are not that high, that why I rely on GUILLAUME777's Multi-Slot,
the stats rely on armor & weapons like WoW.

Cloth>>Intellect&Spirit 95%
Leather>>Stamina&Agility 91%
Chain-Mail>>Stamina&Strength 70%
Plate-Mail>>Stamina&Agility 63%
Armor Sets (Unidentified)>> Can go for any stat

Mount Traveling:
Mounts in the game are very expensive to ride and buy. Mounts well be faster or
have the characters speed nut well maintain certain non-passable objects
(Giant Turtle[Speed 3]>>Character Speed 3>> Deep Moss Water Passable?= giant Turtle Mounted?>true) (Black Horse[Speed 4.5]>>Character Speed 4>>Speed 4.5)
Mounts well have their own energy and health, this is for running away from enemies
and hated faction NPCs, energy is for galloping, the mount can go fatigue at a certain rate)

Black Horse> Energy 135%//\\Health 70%
Giant Turtle> Energy 70%//\\Health 175%
War Horse> Energy 215%//\\Health 155%
Flying Eagle> Energy 455%//\\Health 325%

Vehicles Movement: The game im thinking of well keep the range of time between modern and medieval. But sadly I can't make any race challenges  :down:
Vehicles well have fuel(energy) status if they're needed or optional:
Speed is significant in World Map, Mounts are slower and lose energy 1.25x faster in WM.
Vehicles like boats, planes and cars, etc. well be nice in the game. WM speed is cut in half
Dodge viper>> Fuel 110% Fuel, +4.5 Speed(WM 2.25)
War Galleon>> Fuel Infinite (Boat isn't controllable until bought), +9.1 Speed(WM 4.05)
Jet Fighter>> Fuel 1200%, +20.7(WM 10.35)

And you should know what teleportation is.
Weapons here are important (obviously), So, this is what the topics about:
---> There are ranks on special Weapons (e.g, Sam Hatake has killed a boss, Hammer of Fortitude II recieved 7xp [124 out of 122xp] LEVEL UP!,
Hammer of Fortitude III :: Dmg 22...37 (+2 min dmg; +5 max dmg), +12 Stamina (+3 Stamina), +6 Strength (+1 Strength).
---> There well be special class-based weapons:
Curved Night Wood Bow [Elven Archer Class], Dmg 32...35, Rqrs 7 Marksmanship, Adds +5 Dmg to Power Shot.
Inscribed Staff [Giondee Elementist Class], Fire Dmg 9...11 Rqrs 2 Fire Magic, Adds +1 to Fireball Dmg
...More to come, re-edit sooner!

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