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Custom Battle Report

Hi, I was looking for a cool battle report for the Minkoffs animated battlers, and found none. So I thought of a custom one. I really hope someone can script this, as it shouldn't be very hard, for all of you Pros out there ^_^

I think this could be quite useful for other people too.

Here is what I would like:

The report window enlarged, so there would be 3 things in a row, below each other.

-Exp gained [Icon]
-Gold found [Icon]
-Items found [Icon]
-Battle Lenght [Icon] [if possible. this would display, how long was the battle (0 min 12 sec - for example)]

[Icon] - So I could just insert a custom Icon after the gold, exp etc.. :)

Nothing really custom about this, yet.
But I would really like if the gold and exp would have a "counting" like look, so they would increase 1 by 1, just really fast, or customize-able speed. I hope this isn't confusing :p
And same with the items. When you gained multiple items, they will appear in about 2 second pauses or so, after each other. Then the battle lenght, also being counted - fast.
And they shouldn't be counted all at the same time, but 1 by 1.
First Exp, then gold, then items, then battle lenght.

I would really like to see this done. Of course, Will also get credited.

Additional notes.
- Non SDK if possible, trying to keep this project non SDK.
- And don't forget. For Minkoffs Animated Battlers.

Huge thanks! ^_^
Actually, DerVVulfman has added a Battle Report to his demo. It's Final Fantasy style by Raziel. However, it doesn't have the Time within battle that you requested. Just download the demo from here, and copy the Battle Report and Patch into your scripts:http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5853. This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but perhaps you can edit what you'd like changed. But, it's a start.
Yeah, it isn't quite what I'm looking for.
I guess I can handle the windows stuff by myself, but I don't know how to do the 'Counting' Part and the 'Battle Lenght'
And the counting thing is the most important thing I want in the script :)
I'm a real newb at scripting, that's why I'm requesting someone to do it.
But thanks.

Still hoping that someone will take this request, please.



You would have to put something like this in the script...and then get the window to display the variable in the window and after doing so reset it.

Put this in def_initialise
$battlecount == 0

And put this under def update
def update
    $battlecount = ($battlecount + 1)

And then display it by doing something like this in the Window:-

self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 120, 30, $battlecount.to_s, 2)

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