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Custom Battle Algorithms

Seeing as how the default battle algorithms are quite dry and boring, I was wondering if any one of the many talented scripters that frequent this site could script for me a battle system that uses the algorithms, statistics, and attributes found here http://www.returnergames.com at The Returner's Final Fantasy RPG which is a tabletop RPG that was designed to emulate the E-Games. The PDF releases for the rules can be found here http://www.returnergames.com/boards/viewforum.php?f=1 in the RGi Dev Labs forum.

The Battle System and Parameters consist of the following:

Strength (STR)
Vitality (VIT)
Agility (AGI)
Speed (SPD)
Magic (MAG)
Spirit (SPR)

Derived Combat Stats
HP: Health Points, determined by VIT and the job of the character
MP: Magic Points, determined by the SPR and the job of the character
Accuracy: Ability to connect with physical attacks, equals (Level + (AGI * 2) + Job Bonus)
M. Accuracy: Ability to connect with magical attacks, equals (Level + (MAG * 2) + 100)
E. Accuracy: Expert Accuracy, ability to connect with certain skills used by Experts, equals (Level + (Attribute * 2) + Expert Skill), so for a Thief it would be (Level + (AGI * 2) + Pickpocket Skill)
Evasion: Ability to avoid physical attacks, equals (AGI + SPD + Any bonuses from Equipment)
M. Evasion: Ability to avoid magical attacks, equals (MAG + SPR + Any bonuses from Equipment)
Armor: How much damage is reduced from physical attacks, equals (Armor from Equipment * a percentage based on VIT)
M. Armor: How much damage is reduced from magical attacks, equals (M. Armor from Equipment * a percentage based on SPR)

Battle Algorithms

To Hit
The basic algorithm to see if an attack hits is to generate a random integer from 1 to 100 (1d100) and if the integer is equal to or less than (Attacker's Accuracy/M. Accuracy- Target's Evasion/M. Evasion), then the target is hit. If the integer generated is 1-10 then it is a Natural Critical Hit and the target is automatically hit for 200% damage. If an integer of 95-100 is generated then it is a Botch and the attack automatically misses.
Damage Resolution
The algorithm for damage is ((Base Attribute * Damage Scale) + A random integer from A to (A*B)) - Armor/M. Armor

Example: A basic sword does (STR * 2)+1d10 - Armor damage to the target

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