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Cure for Cancer Found! (3 years ago)

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http://hubpages.com/hub/Scientists_cure ... kes_notice

So...we've had the cure to cancer for 3 years. Basically cancerous cells don't get oxygen, so the cell reverts to glycolysis and produces lactic acid which eats through tissue, and allows the cancer to spread. Thing is, it turns off the mitochondria to do this, and mitochondria contains the "self-destruct" button that kills the cell. There is a drug called DCA that reverts this process and kills cancerous cells, but it can't be patented and therefore can't make money. That's why you haven't heard of it. Yes, that is the world we live in.
funny how the exact (generally) same thread was found on the league of legends forum.

I'm not too sure about the validity of it. I didn't look at the aerticle too closely because of time constraints, but i'm just wondering about how valdi the procedure/article is, why isn't there that much follow up information, etc. etc.

And either way, i think we can all agree such cures wouldn't be THAT widely available anyways until pharmacology companies find someway to exploit this to hell.
Comment said what I was gonna say.

Could someone please provide us with a link to the research journal which has studied this drug and its effect on cancer because i would love to read further into it, as un-sourced this article is just another piece of internet jargon and cocka.
That article doesn't seem to be related at all.

Additionally it is not a valid scientific analysis as

No conclusions can be made on whether the drug is safe or effective in patients with this form of brain cancer, due to the limited number of patients tested by [the study]
Some posts by people who can word this stuff more eloquently than I:

That article's description of glycolysis versus mitochondria as targets of cancer therapy is nonsense. DCA has been investigated for many years as a potential treatment for many, many diseases and has had limited successes. It stimulates an enzyme complex called pyruvate dehydrogenase in mitochondria and has greatest potential as a treatment for various inherited metabolic diseases. It will not cure cancer in humans.
I got an email about this from the head doctor at http://www.cureforcancer.ru. He wanted me to download cancer_cured.exe to read more about it.

A drug that "cures cancer" is not possible. That would be like a paint that matches everything, or a flavouring that appeases everyone. There are many, many different forms of cancer, and the odds that all of them, or even several different kinds can be cured with a single drug is really "out there".

Like was mentioned before, this is not the most trustworthy source either (Uni. of Alberta). Would you trust a doctor or a scientist in a cowboy hat?
Yeah, sorry OP the article is garbage, and this story's been around for a LONG time. That being said, much of the work on DCA is legit (Wikipedia), although it will likely never be approved by major regulatory agencies since no one will fund it's approval. Probably just going to be an off-label hail-mary for cancer patients for a long, long time.

tl;dr: the article is total bunk. Hubpages isn't exactly the best place to get groundbreaking scientific news, anyway.

Rule of thumb: when it comes to science, if it sounds too god to be true, it probably is.
pharmaceutical companies kidnapped my baby and raped my uncle and they COULD be curing my crippling body cancer but they WON'T because they're too busy killing babies and raping uncles etc.
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