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Crystal Rearrangement System

This is another custom idea I thought up.

How does this work?
Crystals go on equipment and skills and are rearranged to activate functions and abilities. There are different types of crystals that do different things. Weapon crystals go on weapons only, and same with armor crystals on armor and skills. All equipment and skills start with 2 slots and a slot is added when the character gains requirements to add another slot such as using an item or getting to a certain level. When there are certain crystal combinations, a different effect happens.

Ex. With a weapon, a fire weapon crystal is put in one slot. This adds the fire element to the weapon by itself. But, if two fire weapon crystals are placed in both slots, then the skill, fire, is learned by the character.

Ex. This is where rearrangement effects the outcome. If one ice weapon crystal is placed in slot one, and a fire crystal in slot two, the character gains a 20% hit bonus and learns the skill, ice without the weapon becoming an element. If the fire is in slot one, and the ice in slot two, the weapon's element is fire and the character gains a +1 agility bonus when leveling up.

Each type of crystal:

Weapon Crystals
Weapon crystals add elemental properties, add status effects, and upgrade weapons when by themselves. When combined, weapon crystals give new skills and add bonuses to a weapon and to the character. Also, abilities are given such as when there is a certain combination of crystals, there is a 40& chance that the enemy you attack will give you a random item.

Armor Crystals
Armor crystals add elemental resistance, status ailment resistance, and upgrade the armors when by themselves. Combined, armor crystals give new skills, bonuses, and abilities such as gaining SP when attacked, or when you die, the enemy dies, or enemies have a 30% chance of being confused when they hit you, etc.

Skill Crystals
Skill crystals add status effects to skills, make the skills have passive bonuses, such as, when a character has a lightning crystal, he has a 2% regeneration rate while in battle every time his turn comes around, or has a 30% chance that the next person will have the same skill for one turn, etc. When combined, the skills can make new skills and support other characters and also change battle algorithms.

That is all. This is kind of like materia, but also very different.

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