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Wil's girlfriend doens't like you calling her a tart.(sorry, just couldn't resist)

Instinctively, i hold it in. If you can think of a country that's more emotionally backward then scotland, it'll be one of our kooky neighbours(englnd, wales, ireland, mr rodgers). Trouble is, I DO end up crying when i spill somehting.
I don't think men should cry. I dunno, it always looks weird to me. Don't blame me, blame society. I see no reason to cry, it just means your giving in to some dumb emotion instead of going out and solving whatever problem made you feel that way in the first place.

"No point in crying over spilt milk."

Just because you don't/can't cry doesn't mean you're weak or emotionally void. The logic that says crying is a sign of weakness is the same as saying it's a sign of strength. All it is is a reaction. A reaction that comes with it's own cultural preconceived notions however. And if you can control cultural dogma you've got a leg-up on everyone else.
And if you can control cultural dogma you've got a leg-up on everyone else.

What do you mean by this? Anyways few people can and the only one who readily comes to my mind is the Pope. Unless I'm understanding this incorrectly.
Lene;117642 said:
What do you mean by this? Anyways few people can and the only one who readily comes to my mind is the Pope. Unless I'm understanding this incorrectly.

When I say control cultural dogma, I mean changing a cultures values. My post was pretty much a reaction to what Wyatt said, "Not crying to me shows you are weak, it shows you are senseless and do not care about people. (Either that or you are physically unable to cry)." Men don't usually cry (at least not in public), so then, is the absence of crying in the eyes of other people a sign of weakness? Of course not.

Someone who chooses not to cry isn't weak or senseless, that's just the way they've been raised (cultural dogma: "men shouldn't cry" and "crying is the only way to convery deep meaningful sadness.")



I think it isnt a sign of weakness... Crying helps me to get the problems solved... I have to cry when someone dies, I loved and it helps me to get my life on..
Hmm, it's extremely rare for me to cry, except over a girl. That seems to work nicely.

I dont think its a weakness. I myself actually find that I... Can't Cry sometimes. I'll want to and feel like I need to get it out of myself, but it feel slike theres a wall around my eyes keeping me from doing it.

Unless the greif is REALLY bad, then I'll bawl.
I really don't know. I don't cry much at all really. Only time I can remember was when I got punched in the head a few times by a guy, but it was more watery eyes then anything else(and I am quite serious about this, it was only 1 or 2 drops, mainly because he hit me right above the nose).

Personally, I don't think its a sign of weakness, however, it shouldn't be done in front of me. Mainly because either I try to help, and it makes the person feel worse(I'm terrible that way, the intention to help is there, but I can't help at all), or it makes me feel really, really awkward. I AM a cold person though(it's not a good thing)(everyone I know admits it), so that could be one of the reasons I'm terrible with helping with that, and why I don't cry in the first place.

Then again, I never drink water, and am always dehydrated, so that could be why....
I cry a lot, so I see it as a sign of weakness in myself. I think to see someone strong be able to cry and not be ashamed of it... that takes some strength in and of itself. But being emotionally unstable I fight almost every day to try to keep myself in check, and if I start crying just because I lost it, then it's a weakness to me. But I don't berate myself for crying over a sad scene in film or literature, and I don't berate myself if it's an appropriate circumstance. I just find it weakness in myself that I end up being too sensitive over something that my own brand of logic dictates isn't really something that I should be distressing about. I can literally cry over nothing but the fact that I feel like crying, and it's pretty frustrating.

However, crying is an excellent form of releasing tension and is pretty good for the mind and body. Not to mention it can help clear the sinuses. ;)
I have not cried in about 7 years and that was when my great grandma died. It isn't any sign of weakness but just a way to relieve stress or other emotions. I'm assuming its not unhealthy not to cry but I guess I just don't really get depressed or stressed much. Sometimes if I get mad I'll try to cry to relieve it but usually I for some reason just can't ??(maybe I have a tear duct problem or something)??

and if what catalyst says is true about clearing up sinuses, then I know why I get stuffy a lot
There's nothing wrong with crying in my opinion. It just isn't something that comes naturally to me. I can probably force it, and have come close to crying when people close to me have died, but I have not actually cried about anything since I was little, and cried at the drop of a hat.
To me it's funny how someone starts to cry after a scene in a movie, or "spilled milk".

I haven't cried in a long time, but sometimes my eyes just get really wet and it's annoying when someone asks if I'm crying.



i think crying is a sign of weakness. whatever it is that makes you cry, pushes you towards a loss of emotional control. you lose control of yourself because ultimately, you have not mastered yourself, and your emotions. if one cannot master oneself, one cannot hope to master anything else in life, because the self is the first thing one encounters.

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