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cruelty: incapable of irrational thought

i write for fun. for the most part, all the shit i write is usually about being poor as hell, and/or being optimistic. im not trying to be intelligent, or deep, or artistic, because im not intelligent, or deep, or artistic. i write what i think, i dont write what i feel. as a result, none of this is grade-a cheese filled with crying and angst. :} enjoi

one of my oldest. from some time in march 07
i drag my past behind me, then look back to face the music
and if it ever catches up ill move at a faster pace to lose it
and sooner or later, i know im gonna tear it
till it loses its presence like a broke-man's xmas spirit
release the hounds - theyre gathered on my lawn
picketing with vital signs, and bible spines but the cause is gone
hang him from the clothes line, hes drippin with compassion
and i'll be the one laughing when this bullshit goes out of fashion
fascists, masochists, replace the man with asterisks
after this, laugh at his '7 ways to hit a pascifist'
now if you done mastered this so-called infinite wisdom
you shoulda read up on your history before you tried to change the system
cause we aint livin in the gutter, the gutter's overflowed
its a million ways to die but only one is 'growing old'
and its gettin kinda cold in here, the walls are losing saturation
counting all my past mistakes, and god, i hope that yall are patient

there aint no turnin back, my friend, we done passed the intersection
on a path of wisdom asking god rhetorical questions
what the fuck where we thinking? theres another lawsuit
and dont blame me for shit you did, aint nobody force you
hey man, you dropped your face, you say you got a spare?
you say you dont know what you got till you lose it or forget that its there?
aint i aint got nothing left - so now you wanna give a damn?
just because youre breathing, doesn't mean youre fuckin livin, man
nothing behind these walls, we're starin out a blank page
right now you may not give a fuck, but one of these days you'll thank me
people wanna nickle and dime my life for what its worth
people wanna nickle and dime my life but whats it worth?
reach through the system, now. relinquish theory
shif my pitch beyond your scope till only my dogs can hear me
i try hard paralell to a minors jury
but life too long to scope out flaws and try to find a worry

This one i DONT remember where/when i wrote, but its one of my favorites. one of the few i can recite off the top of my head, too.
sounds bounce in a mime-box state of mind
yall can go ahead and evolve, and i'm'a stay behind
he jumped the borderline right where they layed a mine
found his dead body and still made him pay the fine
he said 'look, i got nothin left but my culture
i circle it in red ink pens and starving vultures'
they tear down the sculptures to reconstruct it
until they all just got bored and said 'fuck it'
well, well, your worshipping half a man
i said it all before and i can say it all again
'scapegoat, slaughter lamb. lets evolve
not a problem in the world another problem cant solve'
get the fuck off my lawn, i know the gaurd dog's gone
but a ghost made of fuck-ups can come back to haunt you
this is what they said, this is what they say:
"we are gatheres here today to join hands and pray, lets prey."

and they said 'bombs away' as they march through the clouds
in the dried up blood of a cash cow slaughter house
this is what they said, this is what they said:
"80 million hertz bring him back from the dead"
tryin to reverse time and rehearse the lines
but it wasn't a speed bump, it was a land mine
with the pressure and stress just exit stage left
close the curtains and take a deep breath
now the shows are over and we didn't do our best
so they fled the nest and just left a mess
picture perfect, alert the press
so you can see a bright light right before your death
north winds - west, earth breaks the axis
tryin to stand straight, but it takes some practice
this is what they said, incased in brackets:
"far from the day we debate the captain"

i dont know how you heard it, but i know what he said
"i got a liscense to kill, i got a liscense to wed"
so he must've dies but it justified nothing
when he cracked the safe lock just to find nothing
just a mime, trust him, he never tells lies
when im neck-deep in thought and waitin for high-tide
waitin for my ride in the middle of the desert
too bad in the front nine i missed the water hazard
hey romeo, your bitch aint dead, shes just staggerin
dont don the suit if you cant push the dagger in
"step the fuck off, can i get me some breathing room"
you can lock him in a cage but you gotta keep feedin him
he aind one for reasoning, so whys he here?
just to prove to the world he defied his fear?
and this is what he said so quit blaming me,
"if it never came to this it woulda came to me.

this one is from jan 25. its a bit different that the previous, as theres no abstraction at all, and its easy to understand what its about!
(this ones not finished.. spend tons of time writing this shit :P)
back from the flight, and they picked up the wreckage
they got the story right but they mixed up the message
so one more time in the same damn sitting
so i can hear the chime of my paint can splitting
yes one more day - one more year
if you can paint the future and see if it appears
and if we cater to you, allowin your morals
then payin respect - no longer affordable
no lo-fi demeanor - politely decline
a co pilot dreamer and the right to be kind
and maybe if we find it was better off rushed
man you never thought twice but i never thought once
and, yes, my cool peoples is equal to no man
got a notepad open ready to be awoken
living off a dream and the luck they wished me
no rest for the relaxed, i'll sleep when i'm sixty
but you can bet ill be back for my rats and roaches
i just need a minute to get my mind focused
oppertunity knocks, i only visit between holidays
so offer hospitality, i offer my apologies
star-struck, far-flung, where im from
is a place where your people come second to none
so even when its gone, dont think i can forget
whats done is whats done, but that aint whats next

this one's short as a motherfucker.its from feb 20. i quite like it tho
attack of the rustic. they rushed in, and they cuffed him
the valve done busted and its flooding our customs
now were on the ocean floor. what were you hopin for?
/cause we're all too broke, and poor, so we got no boat to board
and we cant float no more, because our hearts are heavy
even though our heads are filled with air
and maybe if we all just stop and think about it
take a deep breath and surface cause that water never even spouted

this one is from NOV 18, 07. not really my favorite cause its way more negative than my others.
press start - hes stationary, waitin very patient where he
laid the very foundation of this atmosphere
the scientists above the city ponder why this cat is here
elemental compund of past tense and whats next to fear
the best of both worlds, and the grass is always dieing
homegrown lifeforce, cattle from the mayans
artists starve my friend, those words'll never work as shingles
if youre only drawing heat from the thought of a flame rekindled
take a step in front of time and realize its actually standing still
its building homeless shelters for abandoned youth's abandoned skill
feeding their minds the same way we feed a rate
whilte its sedated and trapped - bring it back,

they know its lookin bleek, and the future is horrendous,
but were callin it defeat before we knew if they surrendered
and one of the millenuims, one of these centuries
underdog callin the shots. it'll be what it isn't meant to be
unsafe without a veil of trust draped over the surface
ready for the worst, collective a nerve-wreck
so if no one now is hearin what you got to say
they'll hear it in a million years on the other side of time and space
now please mind your buisness if youre too blind to hit this,
one time for the steroids - survival of the fittest
and once more for the naturally captivating
without the sad truth that its fading

this one, i dont remember when it was written... but its kinda cool. i think theres a few of my best lines in it
pull through the waves, and crash it sideways
said 'theyll never be as good as they were in those days'
but they never slowed down when they start to step
if you can draw and sketch words like an architecht
but dont build it up till the old ones finished
never done when i'm done, lookin back with a grimmace
it was lookin uneven - i was never good in math
so i couldn't count my losses when i started from scratch
its to hard to relaxe when the start retracts
gettin further, and further back, and more harder to track
heard a part of me chant 'you can work ahrder than that
you got the eye of a tiger, but the heart of a rat'
and a martyr in black, wearin hand-me-down violence
he fit a square peg into a circle of tyrants,
said 'the whole world is corrupted and mindless'
when they found him face down in a pussle of heinikens

one of these days you'll forget what i told you
'i hate modern medacine, but dammit i pulled through'
stood up to my maker, and that can never fly man
in the beast jowels, waitin for it to bite in
hope for the best, and expect the least
but it never got me out of the scope of the beast
and i aint no doctor - but i think the pills kicked in
what a story for your kids, and so - the plot thickens
its all fun and games till the day you cant hold her
losin youre grip and the bucket'll ip over
so my unprofessional opinion is:
dont pick your words, pick your sentences
no lesson to learn, be the best of the decent
and see the strong will of the masterful cheapen
spending their weekend decyphering theorists
while they chill and converse in a room full of mirrors

my last/latest, from february 22. really cool imo, and way more substance than my old writing. i had an idea when i started writing it, but it kinda changed after long lol
you should revel in the fact that it aint so amazing
to live the kinda life that all of us have been chasing
cause we're all just far too cold to hold change
so we punch it for a moment, and coast to old age
i came equipped with chloroform and smelling salts
until i fell off, and got lost in them compelling thoughts
i know i shoulda sat up when i stood down for a bit
but i'm good now, and i'm sure of it
the last of the first postmodern generation
on the back of the earth - dont know how and dont care
no more living life just to pass the time
push the pen to the paper like a mastermind
and push your thumb to the scale, not the weight of my words
and its slightly less absurd to think that's just the way it works
but its not

and its way less compelling than the lessons youre selling
and for the record, i knew knew that it could be so compelling
to refurbish the hope of an entire community
aint a pipe dream that you cant smoke, this aint new to me
ready - set - gone, blacklist the universe
dreamin so big it pushed your mattress through the earth
back to the bhudda church, everything copasetic?
well at least give me credit. note to senate:
back to the day when we said things and meant it
back to the drawing board again, and again, and-
the last time i was here i was proud what i came out with
holster your words, put your gun where your mouth is
rolling outages and power to the lower class
so put youre life on hold, or stop holding back

ive got a few more, but i felt like 7 was too many, as it is.. and the remaining few are kinda lame, anyway. :P
anyway, none of these, with the exception of one or two, has ever seen the light of day. i pretty much just do this to keep me busy. but i figured id share it all with this ever so wonderful website.

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