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[CROSSOVER] Gates Within

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Maybe it's a good idea for posters to focus on the actual project instead of posting things along the vein of "Damn, I wish my game was in here" or "Ahh! I suck, I'll never make the sequel!" Not saying that it's not allowed, but just saying that I don't think the creators would appreciate if that sort of thing took away from commentary regarding the actual project.

Anyways, it is a pretty interesting idea, although sadly I have only played one of the games that make up the crossover and I didn't play long enough to beat it. O_o I should probably get around to playing the rest of them before attempting this.
Yes, it is indeed an April Fools joke.

All good jokes, however, need a certain grain of truth. The only thing NOT true about this is that it's being worked on! The plans were done, the features are (for the most part) already finished and they WERE created for this very project!

The inclusion of Sandfall and Nadir's Canon was also true, as this was meant to be a 4-way crossover project, and when people just ran short on time, I took the ideas and ran with them to create Cast Aside. (Which had it's story and character actually written for the first RTP Contest, which I decided to not do after a week or so.)

If this had gone forward, instead of Rayne and Kael messing with floating platforms, you'd be seeing Dark and Stoic duking it out on their first meeting, and other fun interactions planned by the included parties.

But yes, these features were planned out to some degree, and rest assured that if we all had the time, this would be an interesting side project to go with it! After all, the Tactical Battle System style would really let us use all the characters from multiple games in a pretty cool fashion!

The idea for this joke goes to ArtBane, who talked me into it. I had planned on sitting out April Fools day this year, but he was feeling rather mischevious!

To those of you who thought this was a joke; the only reason this ISN'T happening is because everyone involved just had other things we knew we had to get done first. Every feature, the story, the history, it's all there and it's all quite real!
You're all a bunch of asses. Crush my dreams under a cold hammer and feed my heart to a pig will you? Well wait until next year, I'll get you good boy! I WILL GET YOU GOOD! I WILL MAKE YOU CRY!

I even asked to beta-test it...Asses
I only fell for it because I've never known Anaryu to be so devious! ArtBane and Volrath on the otherhand I can understand.

I still wish I had a game made that would be honored in a crossover :)
>_<Anaryu I have lost all respect for you...not...Even though this IS a joke I still loved the Idea and hope this will in fact come to pass. But first....GIMME YA CATERPILLAR AND TBS SCRIPT! *shady*...seriously....>_> CRUEL!
Love ya all...in a platonic sort of way.
Hey, you had me fooled, I never took Anaryu to be such a trickster. ;) I honestly thought you guys thought I was serious about qutting NC, I was so confused! If that makes any sense. ^^

Still would be one hell of a game, though.
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