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Cross String Bitmap [ Ver. 2.5]


By Alex Crosslight

Scripts RGSS, Resources, Tutorials and Translations by Alexander Ernest Crosslight is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso não-comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma licença 3.0 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Atelier Cross

Sorry for bad English, I am Brazilian and I'm using google translate.


This script lets you draw a picture for each character of a string, making the text requested in the method
is drawn through the letters representing images and other unwanted digits.


> Exchange each character of a string by a respective image.
> Allows you to select maps of different characters to write the text.


Cross String Bitmap XP

Cross String Bitmap VX

Sistema integrado a mensagens (básico XP)


Contained in the demo. It is in Portuguese, if anyone has trouble translating it later I'll post one in your language.


1°) Paste the script above the main
2°) Have the character maps in folder "Letras" directory Graphics
being the standard should follow the same contained in the statement.
3°) To use the effect, just call the method:



● string = Desired text.
● map = Name the image file.
● x = X Position
● y = Y Position
● space = Spacing between each character.

Example usage:

 draw_neo_string(0,0,25,'alphabet_normal',"Você está sendo filmado")

Where the text "You're being filmed" will be written with the digits
File 'alphabet_normal' at coordinates 0.0 and having 25 pixels
spacing with each character.



> Created by Alexander Ernest Crosslight
I want to try and use this, but with it not being in English, it makes it hard to work with, so if someone could translate it, that would be nice.

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