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Cross Iconset Breaker


By Alex Crosslight

Scripts RGSS, Resources, Tutorials and Translations by Alexander Ernest Crosslight is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso não-comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma licença 3.0 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Atelier Cross

Sorry for bad English, I am Brazilian and I'm using google translate.


This system allows a break iconset VX and turns it into icons for XP. Great for those who want to save separating work icons via Photoshop or other programs and has little patience or time.


> Wraps an iconset VX and transforms it into icons for XP
> Supports Iconsets large size, but the delay to break it into icons is greater.


Cross Iconset Breaker


Contained in the demo. It is in Portuguese, if anyone has trouble translating it later I'll post one in your language.


1) This system should be directed exclusively to this function and should not be used in other projects.
2) Put your iconset that wants to break into the target folder set up on Cross module and start the project. Just press Enter or C
and let the script do the job. XD
3) The icons will all be separated into sub-folders named as follows: name iconset + index




> Wotarana by the your File error prevent.

> 66rpg by the your PNG Creator

> Blizzard and snowvillers by the Iconset World_of_Warcraft

> Created by Alexander Ernest Crosslight

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