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Crime: Nature or Nurture

Hello there dear RMXP.org people,

The titel says it all already, does crime exists by nature, it is a genetic thing, or by nurture, it lies in how one is raised. Please pick one out of those two and don't say 'both a bit' ...

All, or the most forms of crimes are caused by the fact that one is geneticly criminal; he or she has specific criminal codons on different locii on their DNA. Off course influence from outside is possible, as you now that the fenotype (visible) is caused by the genotype (gen encoded information) + factors from outside. However, this influence is not bigger then the by the genes caused behavior.

Crime is caused by only, and only by the way parenting happens, the surroundings one grow up in and other factors from outside. There is no possibility that crime lays in ones genes. Therefore, when a father is a criminal, just like his son, it is because he wasted his parenting, or just raised his son the bad way, instead of the father transfering his criminal behavior trough the genes to his son.

What a pathetic debate.

Some people commit crimes, and do certain things because of the way they were brought up, or because of experiences in their lives, and some people do it for shits and giggles.

What about the people who commit crime because of Necessity? Because they need to do it, or because they are TOLD to do it by a higher up, or someone threatening them. Where do they fall?

Thats where the big debate lies.
Naturally, a part of how you are is defined when you are born. Some people are born aggressive and others are born jokers. How that affects you life is, in my opinion, the part where the world makes the pillars of what you are.

So i believe there is a higher % that is born aggressive (or anything like that) that will commit crimes.

But consider that many crimes are done by desprerate fathers trying to feed their family or something, so whether you are good or bad some things in life force you to do. Of course, there often is an alternative but the easy way is usually prefered if time is playing against you.
What about the people who commit crime because of Necessity? Where do they fall?

A point indeed. Where do they fall. I always keep telling myself that there is always an alternative, concluding that people commiting crimes because of necessity also have the bases lying in their genes, with as influence the needy factors to survive. Some people will take action immidiatly, some don't.

Because they need to do it, or because they are TOLD to do it by a higher up, or someone threatening them.
Could bring the point of view to the one threatening the other. Why does he not do it him or herself? But on the other hand, the person that is threathend, why this person? Ad random, or because that one is vurnerable. And why is he or she more vurnerable then his neighbor?
Both, just because your predisposed towards violence doesn't mean your going to do it.

For example i know its a stereotype, but in this case a true one, i have red hair and if i'm honest i have a bad temper, i get angry easily and want to hit things.
The point is that i don't, i was always taught not to be that way as i grew up so i control it, its very hard sometimes, but its very rare that i lose my rag properly and get into a fight with someone.
However if we take the example of a friend i have, his parents brought him up with an independant attitude to that kind of thing, they didn't teach him to either keep his temper in control or to not, hence he loses his rag a lot more easily than me because thats the way he was brought up.
On the other side of the coin, his brother is really pacifistic and he was brought up in the same way, it shows that although people can be predisposed to one set of actions or another, the way you are brought up has a big influence on how you act.

Anyone unless they have a serious mental problem can be taught to control their temper and actions, you can't blame it all on the upbringing, some people would just rather take than too work for a living.

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