Added some images to use in the map
Slower Connection (only some images of the contact sheet): download
Full Pack (you'll need to resize some images): download
Note: I’m current using Photoshop 7.0
At the end of this tutorial you’ll be able to make maps like this (with some control of the levels):
First, create a new document (640x480), with white blackground:
Step 1
Next: use Filter> Render > Clouds. This will create the texture (levels) of the map. The whiter in some part, more high will be this part. You can use Clouds until you have a texture of your taste.
Step 2
Next: Take the eraser tool, select pencil, mode normal, opacity 100% and flow 20%. Use a blurred pencil with size of 200 (for fast edit, but if you wanna more details, use a smaller brush), then press button D. Now, pass just one time in the areas that you want to be water. When you have finished, press button X and do the same thing in the areas that you want to be earth. It doesn’t need to be perfect, the cool of a map if be unperfect.
Step 3
Next: Press Ctrl +A, then Ctrl + C, go to Channels (Window> Channels). Click on Create a New Channel. Select the new channel an press Ctrl + V.
Step 4
Next: Go back to Layers, click on Create a New Layer. Select the new layer and fill it with white using the Paint Bucked Tool. Then go to Filter> Render> Lightning Effects. Do exactly equal the image below (latter you can experiment some changes). Look the Texture Channel, it has to be equal the new channel that you have created (in my case, Alpha 1).
Step 5
Next: In this layer proprieties, change Normal to Luminosity, an leave Opacity to 50%.
Step 6
Finaly: Select the Background Layer, go on “Create a new Fill or…†(the little circle that remember yin yang symbol), Select Gradient Map and choose the Chrome Gradient (the blue/brow gradient, if you don’t have it, try to reset the gradient clicking on the black set and choosing Reset Gradients)
Step 7
Congratulation, you have finished this tutorial. Now, experiment new gradients and create your owns.
With this system, you can also take a done flatten map and make levels on it. (just don’t use a gradient, since probably the map is colorized).
There’s also other way to do this using Torn Edges and then Plaster in a cloned layer: