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Crafting Recipe Learning Modification

Im Trying to change a way in which a specific recipe in SephirothSpawn's Crafting System is learnt by adding two or more items together.

I like the way SephirothSpawn's Crafting System work's and its all good and fine, but i found that it might be more interesting for the player to try and figure out some recipe's themselves instead of getting the prepackaged recipe's. Only I have no idea how to do this...

Im trying the idea that a menu screen comes up and the player chooses to add a few items and maybe weapons and then presses the "TEST" button and if it is a possible combination then A Message comes up and they learn the recipe. Or if it isn't a possible combination, a message comes up saying there are no combinations for these items/weapons.

So far my only idea has been to try and modify SephirothSpawn's Storage Box System to try and include some type of testing to see whether it is a combination. But I couldn't work anything out that worked.

Maybe someone could please help me with modifying it or giving me a link to where i could find a similar script

It would help me a lot. Thank You.

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