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Could use some assistance

Blargh... I hate asking for help when it comes to writing, but...

I agreed to do an article series for my school newspaper on what it means to be an independent game developer, and the work that goes into it, mostly focusing on Enterbrain's RPG Maker series. Problem is, I don't even know where to START with the first article, which is the intro to the entire series. I know what I want to cover -- that being what an indy gamer is and maybe a little history on video games -- but I don't even know where to start.

Throw me a bone, anyone?


Awesome Bro

Here you go *throws a bone* Nice doggy *pats* :thumb:

Hmm, I had to do an essay on independant game developing, so maybe I could help...

Games design has become a growing profession since the late twentieth century, more people have been wanting to persue their dreams of becoming developers in big companies such as Ubisoft or Activision. However, what does it mean to be an independant game developer, to know that you are working solo and you have the entire burden of your game ideas resting on your shoulders ?

In this article, I will be going over what it means to be an independant game developer, what work goes into making a game on your own, and specifically, about making a game using Enterbrain's RPG Maker series...

--Add rest.--

It's pretty rough as you can tell and I probably could have said alot more, but hopefully there's enough there to give you an idea how to start your article, good luck with it :thumb:
I would start 'dramatically'. Just describe your character walking through a dungeon, a monster popping out - and then the game crashing because you've mucked up your Ruby, and you didn't like some of those dungeon sprites anyway!

I would personally open the bulk of my article by talking about the developments in computer software and how, in this day and age, even a mook like you can make a game that would surpass many that would have been made only a decade ago.

Obviously you'd have to pull in your bit about why you like doing it, and what you have achieved - although I'd save plugging your project until the very end. :P



I suggest you start by glossing quickly over the current state of independent game development; how it brings such gems as Physics Crayon or Braid, innovative pieces that would never manage to get the funding of massive producers like EA or Ubisoft. Introduce key figures, such as Jonathan Slow, Mike Krahulik, etc., and then you can go back in the past.

By hitting it off with the present your readers will - well, might - recognize titles and persons and be more inclined to read the rest of your series.

So basically hit it off with the current "glorious" state and then quickly state what it means (by quickly, in a sentence or two) to be an indie game developer today outlining the evolution of the notion and such.

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