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Cornered Battle Statistics 1.10 (Updated 03/16/11!)

Cornered Battle Statistics Version: 1.10
By: Glitchfinder


This script is one that I thought of doing when I was thinking about the classic advice to avoid injured animals, because they are much more dangerous, as well as thinking of the phrase "...like there is no tomorrow". What this script does is modify the default battle system so that when an actor or enemy has HP below a certain percentage defined by you, then their stats will change. (Which ones change and how much are also defined by you) For example, you could make an enemy that is below 25% HP have it's attack power go up, and have a drop in defense. This script will allow you to define which enemies or actors can experience this change, as well as how much the change will be, and in what stats.


  • Adds depth to any battle!
  • Can be used to make battles easier, or more difficult!
  • Changes occur dynamically based on the remaining HP of the character or monster!
  • The less HP is left, the more pronounced the change becomes!
  • Make monsters dangerous when injured!
  • Weaken players as they get hurt!


This script would be difficult to take screenshots of, so I have decided to omit them.


RMXP Version

# ** Glitchfinder's Cornered Battle Statistics                   [RPG Maker XP]

#    Version 1.10


#  This script helps game designers to manipulate the statistics of an enemy or

#  character based on their remaining HP.


# * Version History


#   Version 1 ---------------------------------------------------- (2008-08-10)

#     - Initial version

#     - Author: Glitchfinder

#    Version 1.10 ----=------------------------------------------- (2011-03-16)

#      - Added better documentation

#      - Fixed crash on F12

#      - Author: Glitchfinder


# * Instructions


#  Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. (I realize this

#  is obvious to most, but some people don't get it.)


#  To change the default percentage of HP at which an enemy will start

#  experiencing stat changes, edit the values in the Enemy_Percent array within

#  the Conrnered_Stats module. Each value corresponds to a specific enemy, with

#  the first being enemy 001 (The default is Ghost), the second being enemy 002

#  (Basilisk), and so on.


#  To change the default percentage of HP at which an actor will start

#  experiencing stat changes, edit the values in the Actor_Percent array within

#  the Cornered_Stats module. This array follows the same rule as the

#  Enemy_Percent array mentioned above.


#  To modify the maximum percentage that an enemy's stats can change, edit the

#  values in the Enemy_Percent_Change array in the Cornered_Stats module. The

#  order of the values is Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Attack

#  Power, Physical Defense Power, Magic Defense Power, and Evasion Correction.

#  The first row is the first enemy in the database, (Ghost), the second row is

#  the second enemy in the database (Basilisk), and so on.


#  To modify the maximum percentage that an actor's stats can change, edit the

#  values in the Actor_Percent_Change array in the Cornered_Stats module. The

#  rules are the same as within the Enemy_Percent_Change array mentioned above.


#  The percentages placed within the Enemy_Percent and Actor_Percent arrays must

#  be in the decimal forma, while those placed within the Enemy_Percent_Change

#  and Actor_Percent_Change arrays must be placed as a percentage, minus the %

#  symbol.


#  The percentages in the Enemy_Percent_Change and the Actor_Percent_Change

#  arrays may be either negative or positive, while those placed in the

#  Enemy_Percent and Actor_Percent arrays must be positive.


#  If you do not want an enemy or actor to recive stat changes, then put nil in

#  the proper location in the Enemy_Percent or Actor_Percent arrays.


#  If you have designated an enemy or actor as unable to recieve stat changes,

#  you must still define their row in their place in the Enemy_Percent_Change or

#  Actor_Percent_Change arrays by placing a 0 in each stat.


#  The amount that an enemy's or an actor's stats will change when this script

#  comes into effect depends upon their remaining HP. The remaining HP is

#  divided by the threshhold, and then is multiplied by the percent that the

#  stat can change.(The threshhold is the amount of HP that corresponds to the

#  percent defined in the Enemy_Percent or Actor_Percent arrays of the

#  Cornered_Stats module.)


# * Glitchfinder's Advice


#  This script is meant for people with at least basic scripting knowledge. It

#  may be difficult to use, and thus, if you are unsure of your abilities, it

#  may be simpler to avoid using this script.


#  I would recommend leaving the percentages within the Enemy_Percent_Change and

#  Actor_Percent_Change arrays low, due to large stat distortions that may

#  occur. (For example, even minor changes in one or two stats will render an

#  enemy either unable to hit an actor or able to hit an actor every time)


# * Contact


#  Glitchfinder, the author of this script, may be contacted through his

#  website, found at [url=http://www.glitchkey.com]http://www.glitchkey.com[/url]


#  You may also find Glitchfinder at [url=http://www.hbgames.org]http://www.hbgames.org[/url]


# * Usage


#  This script may be used with the following terms and conditions:


#    1. This script is free to use in any noncommercial project. If you wish to

#       use this script in a commercial (paid) project, please contact

#       Glitchfinder at his website.

#    2. This script may only be hosted at the following domains:

#         [url=http://www.glitchkey.com]http://www.glitchkey.com[/url]

#         [url=http://www.hbgames.org]http://www.hbgames.org[/url]

#    3. If you wish to host this script elsewhere, please contact Glitchfinder.

#    4. If you wish to translate this script, please contact Glitchfinder. He

#       will need the web address that you plan to host the script at, as well

#       as the language this script is being translated to.

#    5. This header must remain intact at all times.

#    6. Glitchfinder remains the sole owner of this code. He may modify or

#       revoke this license at any time, for any reason.

#    7. Any code derived from code within this script is owned by Glitchfinder,

#       and you must have his permission to publish, host, or distribute his

#       code.

#    8. This license applies to all code derived from the code within this

#       script.

#    9. If you use this script within your project, you must include visible

#       credit to Glitchfinder, within reason.




# ** Cornered_Stats


#  This module deals with values used in an addition to the battle system. Its

#  used within the Game_Battler and Scene_Battle classes.


module Cornered_Stats


  # * Set Enemy Stat Change Starting Point (Percentage, divided by 100)


  Enemy_Percent = [0.50, 0.25, 0.30, 0.40, 0.35, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,

                    nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,

                    nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]


  # * Set Actor Stat Change Starting Point (Percentage, divided by 100)


  Actor_Percent = [0.15, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]


  # * Set Maximum Enemy Stat Change (Percentage)


  Enemy_Percent_Change = [


      0,   0,   0,   0,   11,  -5,   -9,   -3,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   16,  -2,   -5,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   4,   -7,   -6,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   7,   -4,   -3,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   13,  -2,   -5,   2,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0



  # * Set Maximum Actor Stat Change (Percentage)


  Actor_Percent_Change = [


      0,   0,   0,   0,   16,  -7,   -9,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,    0





# ** Game_Battler


#  This class deals with battlers. Its used as a superclass for the Game_Actor

#  and Game_Enemy classes.



class Game_Battler


  # * Alias Methods


  # If the initialize method has not been aliased

  unless method_defined?(:cornered_battlers_initialize)

    # Alias the enemy selection method

    alias cornered_battlers_initialize initialize



  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize

    # Set base stat modifiers

    @str_change = 0

    @dex_change = 0

    @agi_change = 0

    @int_change = 0

    @atk_change = 0

    @pdef_change = 0

    @mdef_change = 0

    @eva_change = 0

    # Call the original method




  # * Get Strength (STR)


  def str

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_str + @str_plus + @str_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].str_rate / 100.0


    # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Dexterity (DEX)


  def dex

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_dex + @dex_plus + @dex_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].dex_rate / 100.0


    # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Agility (AGI)


  def agi

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_agi + @agi_plus + @agi_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].agi_rate / 100.0


    # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Intelligence (INT)


  def int

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_int + @int_plus + @int_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].int_rate / 100.0


    # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Attack Power


  def atk

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = base_atk + @atk_change

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].atk_rate / 100.0


    # Convert the stat into an integer and return it

    return Integer(n)



  # * Get Physical Defense Power


  def pdef

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = base_pdef + @pdef_change

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].pdef_rate / 100.0


    # Convert the stat into an integer and return it

    return Integer(n)



  # * Get Magic Defense Power


  def mdef

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = base_mdef + @mdef_change

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n *= $data_states[i].mdef_rate / 100.0


    # Convert the stat into an integer and return it

    return Integer(n)



  # * Get Evasion Correction


  def eva

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = base_eva + @eva_change

    # Iterate through the battler's current states

    for i in @states

      # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

      n += $data_states[i].eva


    return n



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def str_modifier=(str)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @str_change = str



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def dex_modifier=(dex)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @dex_change = dex



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def agi_modifier=(agi)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @agi_change = agi



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def int_modifier=(int)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @int_change = int



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def atk_modifier=(atk)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @atk_change = atk



  # * Set Physical Defense Power Modifier

  #     pdef : new Physical Defense Power


  def pdef_modifier=(pdef)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @pdef_change = pdef



  # * Set Magic Defense Power Modifier

  #     mdef : new Magic Defense Power


  def mdef_modifier=(mdef)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @mdef_change = mdef



  # * Set Evasion Correction Modifier

  #     eva : new Evasion Correction


  def eva_modifier=(eva)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @eva_change = eva



  # * Set Cornered Stats


  def cornered_stats(percent_change)

    # Set the stat modifiers











  # * Get Cornered Strength


  def cornered_str(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    str_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 8

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      str_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[str_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      str_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[str_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    str_change_percent = str_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    str_change = (base_str * str_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.str_modifier = str_change



  # * Get Cornered Dexterity


  def cornered_dex(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    dex_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 7

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      dex_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[dex_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      dex_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[dex_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    dex_change_percent = dex_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    dex_change = (base_dex * dex_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.dex_modifier = dex_change



  # * Get Cornered Agility


  def cornered_agi(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    agi_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 6

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      agi_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[agi_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      agi_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[agi_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    agi_change_percent = agi_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    agi_change = (base_agi * agi_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.agi_modifier = agi_change



  # * Get Cornered Intelligence


  def cornered_int(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    int_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 5

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      int_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[int_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      int_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[int_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    int_change_percent = int_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    int_change = (base_int * int_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.int_modifier = int_change



  # * Get Cornered Attack Power


  def cornered_atk(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    atk_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 4

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      atk_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[atk_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      atk_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[atk_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    atk_change_percent = atk_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    atk_change = (base_atk * atk_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.atk_modifier = atk_change



  # * Get Cornered Physical Defense Power


  def cornered_pdef(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    pdef_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 3

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      pdef_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[pdef_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      pdef_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[pdef_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    pdef_change_percent = pdef_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    pdef_change = (base_pdef * pdef_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.pdef_modifier = pdef_change



  # * Get Cornered Magic Defense Power


  def cornered_mdef(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    mdef_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 2

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      mdef_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[mdef_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      mdef_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[mdef_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    mdef_change_percent = mdef_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    mdef_change = (base_mdef * mdef_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.mdef_modifier = mdef_change



  # * Get Cornered Evasion Correction


  def cornered_eva(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    eva_formula = (8 * (self.id)) - 1

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      eva_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[eva_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      eva_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[eva_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    eva_change_percent = eva_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    eva_change = (base_eva * eva_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.eva_modifier = eva_change





# ** Scene_Battle


#  This class performs battle screen processing.



class Scene_Battle


  # * Alias Methods


  # If the method has not been aliased

  unless method_defined?(:cornered_battlers_update_phase4_step2)

    # Alias the method

    alias cornered_battlers_update_phase4_step2 update_phase4_step2



  # * Frame Update (main phase step 2 : start action)


  def update_phase4_step2

    # Determine the active battler's current HP percentage

    hp_percent = @active_battler.hp.to_f / @active_battler.base_maxhp.to_f

    # Get the active battler's ID

    battler_id = @active_battler.id - 1

    # If the active battler is an enemy

    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Find the battler's stat change activation percentage

      enemy_cornered_percent = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent[battler_id]

      # If the percentage is not nil and is greater than 0

      if nil != enemy_cornered_percent && enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f > 0

        # If the battler is currently at or below the activation percentage

        if enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f >= hp_percent

          # Determine the battler's stat changes

          percent_change = (((enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f *

            @active_battler.base_maxhp) - @active_battler.hp) /

            (enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f * @active_battler.base_maxhp))

          # Set the battler's stat changes




    # If the battler is an actor

    elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)

      # Find the battler's stat change activation percentage

      actor_cornered_percent = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent[battler_id]

      # If the percentage is not nil and is greater than 0

      if nil != actor_cornered_percent && actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f > 0

        # If the battler is currently at or below the activation percentage

        if actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_i >= hp_percent

          # Determine the battler's stat changes

          percent_change = (((actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f *

            @active_battler.base_maxhp) - @active_battler.hp) /

            (actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f * @active_battler.base_maxhp))

          # Set the battler's stat changes





    # Call the original method




RMVX Version

# ** Glitchfinder's Cornered Battle Statistics                   [RPG Maker VX]

#    Version 1.10


#  This script helps game designers to manipulate the statistics of an enemy or

#  character based on their remaining HP.


# * Version History


#   Version 1.00 ------------------------------------------------- (2008-08-10)

#     - Initial version

#     - Author: Glitchfinder

#    Version 1.10 ----=------------------------------------------- (2011-03-16)

#      - Added better documentation

#      - Fixed crash on F12

#      - Corrected stat lookup formulas

#      - Author: Glitchfinder


# * Instructions


#  Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. (I realize this

#  is obvious to most, but some people don't get it.)


#  To change the default percentage of HP at which an enemy will start

#  experiencing stat changes, edit the values in the Enemy_Percent array within

#  the Conrnered_Stats module. Each value corresponds to a specific enemy, with

#  the first being enemy 001 (The default is Slime), the second being enemy 002

#  (Bat), and so on.


#  To change the default percentage of HP at which an actor will start

#  experiencing stat changes, edit the values in the Actor_Percent array within

#  the Cornered_Stats module. This array follows the same rule as the

#  Enemy_Percent array mentioned above.


#  To modify the maximum percentage that an enemy's stats can change, edit the

#  values in the Enemy_Percent_Change array in the Cornered_Stats module. The

#  order of the values is Attack, Defense, Spirit, and Agility. The first row

#  is the first enemy in the database, (Ghost), the second row is the second

#  enemy in the database (Basilisk), and so on.


#  To modify the maximum percentage that an actor's stats can change, edit the

#  values in the Actor_Percent_Change array in the Cornered_Stats module. The

#  rules are the same as within the Enemy_Percent_Change array mentioned above.


#  The percentages placed within the Enemy_Percent and Actor_Percent arrays must

#  be in the decimal forma, while those placed within the Enemy_Percent_Change

#  and Actor_Percent_Change arrays must be placed as a percentage, minus the %

#  symbol.


#  The percentages in the Enemy_Percent_Change and the Actor_Percent_Change

#  arrays may be either negative or positive, while those placed in the

#  Enemy_Percent and Actor_Percent arrays must be positive.


#  If you do not want an enemy or actor to recive stat changes, then put nil in

#  the proper location in the Enemy_Percent or Actor_Percent arrays.


#  If you have designated an enemy or actor as unable to recieve stat changes,

#  you must still define their row in their place in the Enemy_Percent_Change or

#  Actor_Percent_Change arrays by placing a 0 in each stat.


#  The amount that an enemy's or an actor's stats will change when this script

#  comes into effect depends upon their remaining HP. The remaining HP is

#  divided by the threshhold, and then is multiplied by the percent that the

#  stat can change.(The threshhold is the amount of HP that corresponds to the

#  percent defined in the Enemy_Percent or Actor_Percent arrays of the

#  Cornered_Stats module.)


# * Advice


#  This script is meant for people with at least basic scripting knowledge. It

#  may be difficult to use, and thus, if you are unsure of your abilities, it

#  may be simpler to avoid using this script.


#  I would recommend leaving the percentages within the Enemy_Percent_Change and

#  Actor_Percent_Change arrays low, due to large stat distortions that may

#  occur. (For example, even minor changes in one or two stats will render an

#  enemy either unable to hit an actor or able to hit an actor every time)


# * Contact


#  Glitchfinder, the author of this script, may be contacted through his

#  website, found at [url=http://www.glitchkey.com]http://www.glitchkey.com[/url]


#  You may also find Glitchfinder at [url=http://www.hbgames.org]http://www.hbgames.org[/url]


# * Usage


#  This script may be used with the following terms and conditions:


#    1. This script is free to use in any noncommercial project. If you wish to

#       use this script in a commercial (paid) project, please contact

#       Glitchfinder at his website.

#    2. This script may only be hosted at the following domains:

#         [url=http://www.glitchkey.com]http://www.glitchkey.com[/url]

#         [url=http://www.hbgames.org]http://www.hbgames.org[/url]

#    3. If you wish to host this script elsewhere, please contact Glitchfinder.

#    4. If you wish to translate this script, please contact Glitchfinder. He

#       will need the web address that you plan to host the script at, as well

#       as the language this script is being translated to.

#    5. This header must remain intact at all times.

#    6. Glitchfinder remains the sole owner of this code. He may modify or

#       revoke this license at any time, for any reason.

#    7. Any code derived from code within this script is owned by Glitchfinder,

#       and you must have his permission to publish, host, or distribute his

#       code.

#    8. This license applies to all code derived from the code within this

#       script.

#    9. If you use this script within your project, you must include visible

#       credit to Glitchfinder, within reason.





# ** Cornered_Stats


#  This module deals with values used in an addition to the battle system. Its

#  used within the Game_Battler and Scene_Battle classes.


module Cornered_Stats


  # * Set Enemy Stat Change Starting Point (Percentage, divided by 100)


  Enemy_Percent = [0.75, 0.25, 0.30, 0.40, 0.35, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,

                  nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,

                  nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]


  # * Set Actor Stat Change Starting Point (Percentage, divided by 100)


  Actor_Percent = [0.15, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]


  # * Set Maximum Enemy Stat Change (Percentage)


  Enemy_Percent_Change = [

    # ATK, DEF, SPI, AGI

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0



  # * Set Maximum Actor Stat Change (Percentage)


  Actor_Percent_Change = [

    # ATK, DEF, SPI, AGI

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0,

      0,   0,   0,   0





# ** Game_Battler


#  This class deals with battlers. Its used as a superclass for the Game_Actor

#  and Game_Enemy classes.



class Game_Battler


  # * Alias Methods


  # If the initialize method has not been aliased

  unless method_defined?(:cornered_battlers_initialize)

    # Alias the enemy selection method

    alias cornered_battlers_initialize initialize



  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize

    # Set base stat modifiers

    @atk_change = 0

    @def_change = 0

    @spi_change = 0

    @agi_change = 0

    # Call the original method




  # * Get Attack


  def atk

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_atk + @atk_plus + @atk_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

    for state in states do n *= state.atk_rate / 100.0 end

    # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Defense


  def def

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_def + @def_plus + @def_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

    for state in states do n *= state.def_rate / 100.0 end

    # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Spirit


  def spi

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_spi + @spi_plus + @spi_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

    for state in states do n *= state.spi_rate / 100.0 end

      # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Get Agility


  def agi

    # Calculate the base stat

    n = [[base_agi + @agi_plus + @agi_change, 1].max, 999].min

    # Apply state-based modifiers to the stat

    for state in states do n *= state.agi_rate / 100.0 end

      # Force the stat to a value between 1 and 999

    n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min

    return n



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def atk_modifier=(atk)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @atk_change = atk



  # * Set Attack Power Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def def_modifier=(defense)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @def_change = defense



  # * Set Spirit Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def spi_modifier=(spi)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @spi_change = spi



  # * Set Agility Modifier

  #     atk : new Attack Power


  def agi_modifier=(agi)

    # Set the stat modifier

    @agi_change = agi



  # * Set Cornered Stats


  def cornered_stats(percent_change)

    # Set the stat modifiers







  # * Get Cornered Attack


  def cornered_atk(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    atk_formula = (4 * (self.id)) - 4

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      atk_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[atk_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      atk_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[atk_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    atk_change_percent = atk_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    atk_change = (base_atk * atk_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.atk_modifier = atk_change



  # * Get Cornered Defense


  def cornered_def(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    def_formula = (4 * (self.id)) - 3

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      def_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[def_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      def_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[def_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    def_change_percent = def_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    def_change = (base_def * def_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.def_modifier = def_change



  # * Get Cornered Spirit


  def cornered_spi(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    spi_formula = (4 * (self.id)) - 2

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      spi_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[spi_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      spi_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[spi_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    spi_change_percent = spi_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    spi_change = (base_spi * spi_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.spi_modifier = spi_change



  # * Get Cornered Agility


  def cornered_agi(percent_change)

    # Calculate index in stat array

    agi_formula = (4 * (self.id)) - 1

    # If the battler is an enemy

    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      agi_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent_Change[agi_formula]

    # If the battler is an actor


      # Get the HP percentage at which the change begins

      agi_change_default = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent_Change[agi_formula]


    # Calculate the stat change percentage

    agi_change_percent = agi_change_default * (percent_change * 100)

    # Calculate the stat change

    agi_change = (base_agi * agi_change_percent)

    # Set the stat change

    self.agi_modifier = agi_change





# ** Game_Enemy


#  This class handles enemy characters. It's used within the Game_Troop class

# ($game_troop).



class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler


  # * Get Enemy ID


  def id

    return @enemy_id





# ** Scene_Battle


#  This class performs battle screen processing.



class Scene_Battle


  # * Battle Action Processing


  def process_action

    # Return if the battle has been decided

    return if judge_win_loss

    # Return if a scene change is scheduled

    return if $game_temp.next_scene != nil

    # Set the next battler to use


    # If there is no active battler

    if @active_battler == nil

      # End the turn




    # Determine the active battler's current HP percentage

    hp_percent = @active_battler.hp.to_f / @active_battler.base_maxhp.to_f

    # Get the active battler's ID

    battler_id = @active_battler.id - 1

    # If the active battler is an enemy

    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

      # Find the battler's stat change activation percentage

      enemy_cornered_percent = Cornered_Stats::Enemy_Percent[battler_id]

      # If the percentage is not nil and is greater than 0

      if enemy_cornered_percent != nil && enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f > 0

        # If the battler is currently at or below the activation percentage

        if enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f >= hp_percent

          # Determine the battler's stat changes

          percent_change = (((enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f *

            @active_battler.base_maxhp) - @active_battler.hp) /

            (enemy_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f * @active_battler.base_maxhp))

          # Set the battler's stat changes




    # If the battler is an actor

    elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)

      # Find the battler's stat change activation percentage

      actor_cornered_percent = Cornered_Stats::Actor_Percent[battler_id]

      # If the percentage is not nil and is greater than 0

      if actor_cornered_percent != nil && actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f > 0

        # If the battler is currently at or below the activation percentage

        if actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f >= hp_percent

          # Determine the battler's stat changes

          percent_change = (((actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f *

            @active_battler.base_maxhp) - @active_battler.hp) /

            (actor_cornered_percent.to_s.to_f * @active_battler.base_maxhp))

          # Set the battler's stat changes





    # Clear all text from the message window


    # Wait for five frames


    # Force the active battler to flash white

    @active_battler.white_flash = true

    # If the active battler's action is not being forced

    unless @active_battler.action.forcing

      # Prepare the active battler's action



    # If the active battler's action is valid

    if @active_battler.action.valid?

      # Execute the active battler's action



    # If the active battler's action is not being forced

    unless @active_battler.action.forcing

      # Clear all text from the message window


      # Automatically remove states from the active battler


      # Display the active battler's current states



    # Force the active battler to stop flashing white

    @active_battler.white_flash = false

    # Clear all text from the message window




(These instructions are taken from the RMXP version. Names in the RMVX version will vary)

Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. (I realize this is obvious to most, but some people don't get it.)

To change the default percentage of HP at which an enemy will start experiencing stat changes, edit the values in the Enemy_Percent array within the Conrnered_Stats module. Each value corresponds to a specific enemy, with the first being enemy 001 (The default is Ghost), the second being enemy 002 (Basilisk), and so on.

To change the default percentage of HP at which an actor will start experiencing stat changes, edit the values in the Actor_Percent array within
the Cornered_Stats module. This array follows the same rule as the Enemy_Percent array mentioned above.

To modify the maximum percentage that an enemy's stats can change, edit the values in the Enemy_Percent_Change array in the Cornered_Stats module. The order of the values is Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Attack Power, Physical Defense Power, Magic Defense Power, and Evasion Correction. The first row is the first enemy in the database, (Ghost), the second row is the second enemy in the database (Basilisk), and so on.

To modify the maximum percentage that an actor's stats can change, edit the values in the Actor_Percent_Change array in the Cornered_Stats module. The rules are the same as within the Enemy_Percent_Change array mentioned above.

The percentages placed within the Enemy_Percent and Actor_Percent arrays must be in the decimal forma, while those placed within the Enemy_Percent_Change and Actor_Percent_Change arrays must be placed as a percentage, minus the % symbol.

The percentages in the Enemy_Percent_Change and the Actor_Percent_Change arrays may be either negative or positive, while those placed in the Enemy_Percent and Actor_Percent arrays must be positive.

If you do not want an enemy or actor to recive stat changes, then put nil in the proper location in the Enemy_Percent or Actor_Percent arrays.

If you have designated an enemy or actor as unable to recieve stat changes, you must still define their row in their place in the Enemy_Percent_Change or Actor_Percent_Change arrays by placing a 0 in each stat.

The amount that an eney's or an actor's stats will change when this script comes into effect depends upon their remaining HP. The remaining HP is divided by the threshhold, and then is multiplied by the percent that the stat can change.(The threshhold is the amount of HP that corresponds to the percent defined in the Enemy_Percent or Actor_Percent arrays of the Cornered_Stats module.)


This script is incompatible with non-default battle systems, and will need to be completely rewritten for most.

Terms and Conditions

  • This script is free to use in any noncommercial project. If you wish to use this script in a commercial (paid) project, please contact Glitchfinder at his website.
  • This script may only be hosted at the following domains:
  • If you wish to host this script elsewhere, please contact Glitchfinder.
  • If you wish to translate this script, please contact Glitchfinder. He will need the web address that you plan to host the script at, as well as the language this script is being translated to.
  • The script header must remain intact at all times.
  • Glitchfinder remains the sole owner of this code. He may modify or revoke this license at any time, for any reason.
  • Any code derived from code within this script is owned by Glitchfinder, and you must have his permission to publish, host, or distribute his code.
  • This license applies to all code derived from the code within this script.
  • If you use this script within your project, you must include visible credit to Glitchfinder, within reason.
I don't particularly have a use for this, but I must admit that this is an awesome idea for a script.  Kudos for creating this, it's definitely a unique idea and I don't think I've seen this done before.
Ace of Spades":o1nsd47d said:
I don't particularly have a use for this, but I must admit that this is an awesome idea for a script.  Kudos for creating this, it's definitely a unique idea and I don't think I've seen this done before.

Thanks. I'm actually quite surprised about how nobody seems to have done this before. I mean, you can't count the number of times you've heard stuff like "fighting like there's no tomorrow", or how to avoid injured animals because they're even more dangerous than normal ones. On a side note, I just realized that out of the three scripts I've posted in this board, two of them are stat mods that could potentially ruin a game's balance. Weird. (On a side note, the third is a timer system, which can keep track of multiple timers at once)



This is a really neat concept. I'll have to create mine own version though if I want to get this to work. I've done a lot of work on Game_Battler and co.

... actually, I wonder if I could get it to use status conditions instead?
Taylor":11uqz8y5 said:
This is a really neat concept. I'll have to create mine own version though if I want to get this to work. I've done a lot of work on Game_Battler and co.

... actually, I wonder if I could get it to use status conditions instead?

That would probably be pretty easy, actually. One of the things I like about mine is that the actual change becomes more pronounced as the actor or enemy loses more HP, which would be far more difficult to do with status conditions.
vagrant":g1zow7rj said:
Glitchfinder, would it be possible to change the actor/monster graphic with critical HP as well?

It would be possible, although there are existing methods to do that that come in the default game, as well. I'll look into it, though.

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