Envision, Create, Share

Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.


Face of the goat in the mirror
We've become a race of the cursed seeds
I entered the soul of the snake
We are a blaze in the Northern sky

what idgi
:smile: :grin: :biggrin: :sad: :eek:: :mad: :barf: :lol: :haha: :huh: :kiss: :blush: :|: :wink: :cheers: :toot: :eek:uch: :dead: :thumb: :shock: :down: :crazy: :pissed: :tongue: :cry: :unsure: :cute: :blank: :fap: :angel: :devil: :boo: :girl: :smoke: :box: :specs: :!: :heart: :?: :robot: :D: :rock:
StuStu the Bloo says (5:15 PM):
hey just a heads up
instead of compressing the game with RPG Maker's bleh compressor
just zip the file
StuStu the Bloo says (5:16 PM):
right click it and hit add to archive blahblahblah.zip


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HBGames is a leading amateur video game development forum and Discord server open to all ability levels. Feel free to have a nosey around!


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