::. Rafidelis .::
Version: 1.0
By: Rafidelis
This script lets you transform the degrees between them, the conversions are possible:

Has not time to finish the conversion from Kelvin to Fahrenheit, but try to post another demo soon with this problem solved.
It is not necessary to have the RTP or the rpgmakerVx to use this script.

Demo Download (1,344 KB):

Font Umeplus Gothic Download ( 4557 KB)

Extract the downloaded file you want, then open the file is so Game (with the icon of Horse), If appears the message "The source Umplus Gothic not be found", you must download the source to use the script in this topic in Downloads section you can find the link to download the source.
If OK, the first window you should use the number keys (the upper, not the numeric keypad) to enter the value you want to be vice converted.
The dot key ('.') serves to add a floating point value to
The negative key ('-') serves to add to a negative value.
Using the Tab key you delete the last value entered
The Enter key or space bar used to confirm
The F5 key returns the screen to select the language.
ReinoRPG: Site where I am moderator, thanks for the support guys = D RRPG
Genesis: He sent the Umples Source Gothic, as the computer work I do not have it xD