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Construct 2 Help?

If anyone is curious about simple things you can make using construct 2 (I know there are lots out there), you can take a look at what I have done personally with the game maker. I used it for a few games myself.

Suspended Pop & Breakout HTML5
Direct Link to Games

Play from your browser!

I know the program a little bit, and I wanted to share some stuff I have completed using it. :) If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Haha, thanks! When Construct 2 first came out, I wanted to test it out, and I was able to make some quick games with it. :) And thank you, that website goes through way too many changes in its lifetime to be where it is now!
Their eventing system is super easy to learn! All you need to know is logic, their system will fill in the rest. All of the behaviors that they provide allows for so much functionality to any game! Seems like everyone is picking it up just as fast as I did! That is great news. I wish everyone the best of luck! Right now I am working on a tetris-like game for the contest. I will be posting all about it once I get it off the whiteboard. :)
Some tips:

*Playtest, playtest, playtest! I'm just saying playtest a level thoroughly, and definitely more than once. It's also good to have someone else playtest it.
*Save often! Save whenever you make changes (even the smallest), as you'll be thankful Contsruct2 or your computer crashes. Still doesn't hurt to save often, either.
*Remember to back up your projects daily. Not just copies on your computer, but you should also have offsite backups such as on dropbox.
*Be sure to test on multiple browsers (aside from mainly Chrome, IE and Firefox) and devices to ensure your game works well across platforms. Testing on mutliple devices is usually useful for games that support touch screen controls, although some games can be touchscreen or keyboard/mouse only.

*Use fps & " FPS (" & renderer & ")" via a set text to keep a measurement of your game's current performance, however make sure the condition is "Every tick".
*If your computer can support WebGL, it is recommended to enable it and/or switch to a browser that supports WebGL, and update your graphic card drivers.
*A good FPS to shoot for with designing mobile games is at least 30 FPS.
*There are two tweaks for performance when it comes to mobile devices. 1. Set "Pixel rounding" to "On" and 2. (if your game's background is obscured by objects like Tiled Backgrounds) Set "Clear background" to "No" and make sure every layer has "Transparent" set to yes.
*In general, common causes of poor performance are: Too many objects using physics, creating too many objects, using too many particles, using sprites instead of tiled backgrounds, using a slow or outdated browser, no hardware acceleration, and using too many loops. Also, remember: Always measure performance.

*In general, I reccomend having three layers (from top to bottom): GUI, Objects, and Background. GUI would be for screen display objects (say, such as a HP bar), Objects would be platforms/the player, and Background would be for well...backgrounds. The background layer should also be locked, so you don't accidentally mess with it. The GUI layer should also have a parallex setting of 0, 0 while the background parallex should have a setting of 30, 30.
*When creating a new layout, be sure to copy the three layers you have made to the new one. Make sure their in the correct order, from top to bottom: GUI, Objects, Background.
*If you create a new layout and are copying gui sprites, make sure their in their proper place, on the gui layer and within the window outline.

Event Sheets
*Get used to creating groups such as controls, collisions, etc...not only is it more pleasing to eye, it's also slightly more organized than your events being all over the place. This also means bug finding is easier. Debug groups (for debugging purposes, such as warping keys or keys to dispense items) are also useful.
*You can hold Ctrl while clicking on a sprite to copy it as you drag your mouse away from the sprite. It's quicker than right click and copying but remember: These are instances, so they as treated as one group of something. So if you change a stat or behavior, the entire group changes


Awesome Bro

Is there an Option, that if a specific Key is pressed (Keyboard) no other key will work?
or at the very least the player will not move... (I am using a platform game)

(Because I'm test playing the game and I can kneel down, but still be moving... LOL )

I'm sure there might be, but I'm probably just not seeing right now...

Well, there is no way of doing THAT... but I figured out how to do something similar.

"If character is on floor" + "Holding Down" I disable "Platform" for Player. (until it is released)

AH!!!.... I didn't even know there was an invert... OK, I see it now... well I will remember that
is there.

Im still new to the maker... Thanks


Awesome Bro

You know how in rpg makers where you import a graphic you have the option to completly remove a color, and make another color sort of faded.

is it possible to do something like that in construct 2?

cause my character is running around as a giant white block...
Eventing_Guy":3h9piyjd said:
You know how in rpg makers where you import a graphic you have the option to completly remove a color, and make another color sort of faded.

is it possible to do something like that in construct 2?

cause my character is running around as a giant white block...
I believe you actually have to make the picture transparent in an outside editing software, like Paint.NET or something, but I have yet to try that myself.

So, um, I have a question myself.
How do you make a button controlled title screen?

And sorry if this is easy or simple, I overlook the solutions sometimes because I think too literal.

Thank you for viewing

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