Hey guys, quick question for all you scripters out there. I haven't found a clean, reliable way to make a conditional branch for how many of a certain item I have. There's a simple optional task where you need to collect a certain amount of an item for someone. If the item was obtained through events themselves, I could just add to a variable every time and use that, but the item is a %drop from a monster, so variables aren't reliable for this.
The actual question being: What script snippet would I have to put in the conditional branch condition for it to check for a quantity of an item, and not just having the item in general? I have a decent idea of what it would look like, but there are plenty of wrong ways to write it out, heh.
The actual question being: What script snippet would I have to put in the conditional branch condition for it to check for a quantity of an item, and not just having the item in general? I have a decent idea of what it would look like, but there are plenty of wrong ways to write it out, heh.